I don't know... I'm ready to move on, and not worry about what that "other" tech news website is doing. Yes, Dice killed it, but there's no use in staying mad forever.
When the slashcott started, I found it difficult to stay off of the site, but now that Soylent News is up, I don't really miss Slashdot. The news here is good quality, so all we need now is more commenters.
I agree, I was just saying as a kinda "never forget" kinda thing. hate to see the same mistakes made in another decade. Malda should never have sold it. Hes a cockbag for doing so and Everyone knew that would mark the end of./ (and it did). I spend my time 75/25 now with the majority here. I would imagine as soon as there are more comments to read here it will end up being 99/1 until dice pulls the plug. A reminder of where you come from can be a good thing, and the "random" option in a poll isn't the worst place to put one.
how the fuck is this modded troll? Troll != disagree. We need more commenters here so I post my opinion just to get bitch slapped? This is how i feel, its not a troll in any sense of the word. What the fuck is the point of the question if you just bitch slap the answers you dont agree with?
You are right, I shouldnt have used that language. correction follows. "Rob Malda destroyed slashdot the day he stopped caring about the community and sold it". I really wasnt trying to troll, and I give props to taco and coyboyneil for writing most of the code we are using as we speak.
One fact that people seem to forget is that Slashdot rolled out and announced with little fanfare a beta.slashdot.org around 2009 or 2010-ish, but aside from the URL it was identical to slashdot.org. I generally had excellent karma on and off around then, but lost permanently the ability to moderate when I modded CmdrTaco troll in a beta.slashdot.org discussion where he posted something to the effect of "Testing, testing..."
I didn't think much of it then, but looking back I wonder if the plan to cash out was conceived farther back than we the Slashdot readership were led to believe?
Oh, and since I am not permanently banned from posting here (for now, at least) it's pretty surreal not having to use Tor to post anonymously and insert my signature manually every post.
It's especially odd, considering that you were agreeing with my comment. Maybe the site is being a little loose with who gets mod points, and it's the moderator who was the troll in this case.
Im sure they will iron out the kinks. I wouldnt even have bitched but I want to help improve this place. I think my name causes slow-witted people to automatically mod me troll.
Times like this I wish I could edit, but still glad I cant cause that what makes slashcode different. No edit, no delete. I'm a lurker. I don't comment much, but love the discussion. I learned most of what I know about tech stuff from chips & dips/ slashdot over the last decade and a half. I 3 soylent news, and I cant wait till there are enough commenters that I can sit back in the shadows and just comment when I know WTF Im taking about (not that often lol). I just know if there are 7 comments, I dont bother. I made this username more than 10 years ago when the koreans were fucking up the US Diablo 2 servers. Probably should have changed it when I moved here, but now I figure It just shows the flaws in the mods.
I really and truly hope in 10-15 years this is still the place I come first when I wake up to read intelligent discussion and to learn things.
I keep getting 10 mod points then lose them when someone doesn't like what I have to say. Then my karma hits 0 and they disappear. Its disheartening. I'm really trying to contribute and I get a big "FUCK YOU" in return.
I didnt say I demand! you make it "fuck beta".
I made a suggestion.
I guess If my karma stays low its cause people hate what I have to say and I should just lurk.
either way Im not going anywhere and I 3 all the soylentnews staff for all the hard work they have put into this.
I don't know, I imagine I would have. He was probably getting sick of slashdot anyway. Hell, I let my old Quake site lapse out of my own boredom with it and nobody even offered me any money. Had I been offered enough to retire on, well, of course I would have taken it.
I don't blame Malda a bit. I blame the greedy cockbiting corporate greedsters who bought it.
Look what happened to K5 when Rusty got tired of it. It was a thriving community. The site's still up, but there's no community any more (maybe a dozen people left), the trolls ran everyone off. And I don't doubt Rusty could have sold it, and he's probably kicking himself for not doing so.
Nothing lasts forever. I'm kind of glad Dice started that Beta bullshit because it caused soylent to come into existance, and IMO soylent is a better site so far. Five years from now, who knows?
-- The more I learn, the more I realize how abysmally ignorant I am.
Malda should never have sold it. Hes a cockbag for doing so and Everyone knew that would mark the end of./ (and it did).
It's easy to say that today, but what would have been the alternative? Today, servers are cheap. But on 1999's hardware, it was probably not that easy to run a site with slashdot's traffic. According to Wikipedia, Slashdot was netting about $20k per year: not enough to hire even one more full-time staff member. Selling the business to a company that can do the necessary investments is the only way to grow. I think Malda mentioned in an interview (two years ago?) that probably Slashdot wouldn't have survived on its own, without those investments.
It makes one wonder whether it's possible to sell a company and still have a way to guarantee that the spirit is kept, other than having the founder keep 51% of the shares.
Exactly the same sentiment here. I actually did totally abstain during the slashcott but it was rough. Like coming off crack or something. I returned to/. just in time to see a post about SN going live and now I don't miss/. all. I maybe check once a day, but unless I'm really interested in something, I don't even open the articles. so -- I'm happy to say that since I've taken up the SN heroin, I don't miss the/. crack at all.
Did they post about it? I actually went over there to search for such a story but couldn't find it. Link it here if you are able, I'm curious to read their take on it.
I'll admit, I couldn't keep away during the slashcott. I even posted once or twice. But the moment I read about SN (and technocrat.net coming back), I deleted all of my/. bookmarks.
Today is day 3 without/. and I still feel like I'll never need another hit. This is literally the longest I've been without that site in the last decade+. We can be strong as a community and give up that old tired crack for this higher grade old school crack, that we so SO need!
::smacks vein waiting for the next story to be posted::
I found out about the 9/11 Attack on that fateful morning because somebody posted an off-topic comment about it in a Slashdot thread. It was a 'whoops, better go check what the non-nerds are up to' moment for me.
I'm with you on this one. I did the boycott and it was easier than I thought it would be, with the help of Ars and Reddit. But since I've found SN, it's been no going back. Their loss.
I think it should be "Fuck beta" so we never forget the bullshit that caused soylent news to exist in the first place.
I object. A meme, by its very nature, is a piece of ethos that potentially transcends the authors or social group which gave birth to it. Now, from this perspective:
* why should we extend the trauma over the aeons to come?
* I mean... look at the Northern Ireland for example. Do you really want your grandkids to remember and always be resentful towards the dice followers?
I disagree. Although Fuck Beta is still often directed at Dice I think it also has a larger meaning. A stand against change for the sake of monetizing and ruining something wonderful for the sake of some money grubbing corporate overlord sons of bitches. You digg? See, that one didn't stand the test of time, but I think Fuck Beta might. Shit, I almost feel like I should trademark Fuck Beta and sue everyone who uses it as some sort of quixotic meta protest against corporatism run amok.
Or not.
Cheers, -WW
P.S. I think I'm going to snack on some Olives and Feta.
The anger for me is over. Because of beta, Soylentnews was born. Seeing its birth was one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced on the web. Open source software FTW! I give thanks to everyone that has made it possible. You've made a lovely home for all of us to enjoy. Keep up the great work!
We should definitely keep the meme. Why was CowboyNeal chosen for the/. polls?
There's no need for anger, indeed. However, I think we should be poking fun of them just for cheap laughs. It doesn't have to be the same thing each poll, in fact, having it varied is probably better.
The Soylent IRC customised IdleRPG will have some mild anti-slashdot references in it, for example (as calamaties, for example). It's at their expense, yes, however it's not powered by bile but by cheekiness.
-- Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
The cheap laughs will come when their user base deteriorates even farther. Kinda but not really offtopic, but your sig says you swear not to contribute there, well, I'm not going to do anything out of spite but to tell the truth, I haven't been there much since soylent went live. This is a much better site, no need to swear fealty to it. And there are still a lot of good nerds there who haven't come back from the dark side yet, how are you going to encourage them if you stay away from there?
-- The more I learn, the more I realize how abysmally ignorant I am.
I have chosen the wording of my.sig, like I chose the wording of almost everything I write, quite precisely. It's not a promise to avoid slashdot. It's not swearing fealty to this site.
As you say, gently name-dropping of this site on that site is probably of more benefit to us than them. So an occasional pablum post to/. would be useful, just because of my oh-so-subtle.sig over there. That wouldn't be contribution, that would be if anything subversion, and I would consider it.
-- Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
An interesting concept, thanks for sharing. Since soylent started I've been at/. less and less. I'll have to keep putting my journals over there since I need the audience; there are a couple hundred people reading my journals (as opposed to almost nobody here reading them) and a few of them have bought hardcover copies of Nobots. Any suggestions on how to get my slashdot audience to join us here would be appreciated.
I am posting journals here first, though. I like it better here, the aliterate and ignorant haven't found it yet.
-- The more I learn, the more I realize how abysmally ignorant I am.
how is that different than the "dice.com" option? either way, 15 years from now, only us old folk will remember the origin of the meme. and we'll get to be all smarmy about it. i can hardly wait!
If we slam dice.com, we're going after someone's business name and they could come after us for libel; probably best to avoid that. Beta, on the other hand, is a generic term. We can always say we're against all forms of beta software, or even that we're just VHS fans.
I do think it's important we keep a meme to remember why Soylent News was started, though. Beta will stop being beta at some point soon, and just become Slashdot. As Slashdot continues to change over time, it will either eventually mutate beyond recognition or just go under. Either way, we don't want to forget where we've come from, either the good things or the bad. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.
That's the whole point of memes: to carry and communicate cultural ideas. We immediately think of humour, but they're just as present in learning and sharing history, values, trades/skills, &c. What do we want to remember?
How to prove libel; There are several ways a person must go about proving that libel has taken place. For example, in the United States, the person must prove that the statement was false, caused harm, and was made without adequate research into the truthfulness of the statement. These steps are for an ordinary citizen. For a celebrity or a public official, the person must prove the first three steps and that the statement was made with the intent to do harm or with reckless disregard for the truth, which is usually specifically referred to as "proving malice".
first off, how is listing "dice.com" even considered a negative statement?
good luck proving that harm was caused
even if negativity and harm were "proven", how would one go about proving the option "dice.com" in a poll to be "a false statement"?
there are many, many, many defenses [wikipedia.org] for defamation/libel. one of these is "opinion"... what is a poll if not "opinion"?
I think it should be "Fuck beta" so we never forget the bullshit that caused soylent news to exist in the first place.
No. It's good that there's a worthy tech news site now, and it's of no use to keep dragging the past. I like it in here and the vibe should be going on as it is, with that fresh look of 2004:) Sometimes it's better to stop pissing on the graves of your enemies, and start using the toilet again.
-- All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
Nope, won't work unless you misspell it. There was a southern rock band a few decades ago who wanted to name their band after a hated gym teacher in high school, MCA's lawyers sayd "no" he'll sue and win. So rather than calling themselves Leonard Skinnard, they called it Lynard Skynard.
Better than "Michael P. Durney", make fun of that new mickey mouse interface and call it Micky P. Dumey.
-- The more I learn, the more I realize how abysmally ignorant I am.
(Score: 5, Interesting) by koreanbabykilla on Thursday February 20 2014, @01:01AM
I think it should be "Fuck beta" so we never forget the bullshit that caused soylent news to exist in the first place.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by yellowantphil on Thursday February 20 2014, @02:36AM
I don't know... I'm ready to move on, and not worry about what that "other" tech news website is doing. Yes, Dice killed it, but there's no use in staying mad forever.
When the slashcott started, I found it difficult to stay off of the site, but now that Soylent News is up, I don't really miss Slashdot. The news here is good quality, so all we need now is more commenters.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by koreanbabykilla on Thursday February 20 2014, @02:52AM
I agree, I was just saying as a kinda "never forget" kinda thing. hate to see the same mistakes made in another decade. Malda should never have sold it. Hes a cockbag for doing so and Everyone knew that would mark the end of ./ (and it did). I spend my time 75/25 now with the majority here. I would imagine as soon as there are more comments to read here it will end up being 99/1 until dice pulls the plug. A reminder of where you come from can be a good thing, and the "random" option in a poll isn't the worst place to put one.
(Score: 2, Insightful) by koreanbabykilla on Friday February 21 2014, @01:31AM
how the fuck is this modded troll? Troll != disagree. We need more commenters here so I post my opinion just to get bitch slapped? This is how i feel, its not a troll in any sense of the word. What the fuck is the point of the question if you just bitch slap the answers you dont agree with?
(Score: 5, Informative) by pogostix on Friday February 21 2014, @02:04AM
It's a troll cuz you called cmdrtaco a cockbag.
C'mon man, don't get so offended that you got busted.
(Score: 2) by koreanbabykilla on Friday February 21 2014, @02:40AM
You are right, I shouldnt have used that language. correction follows. "Rob Malda destroyed slashdot the day he stopped caring about the community and sold it". I really wasnt trying to troll, and I give props to taco and coyboyneil for writing most of the code we are using as we speak.
(Score: 2, Interesting) by Ethanol-fueled on Saturday February 22 2014, @06:15PM
One fact that people seem to forget is that Slashdot rolled out and announced with little fanfare a beta.slashdot.org around 2009 or 2010-ish, but aside from the URL it was identical to slashdot.org. I generally had excellent karma on and off around then, but lost permanently the ability to moderate when I modded CmdrTaco troll in a beta.slashdot.org discussion where he posted something to the effect of "Testing, testing..."
I didn't think much of it then, but looking back I wonder if the plan to cash out was conceived farther back than we the Slashdot readership were led to believe?
Oh, and since I am not permanently banned from posting here (for now, at least) it's pretty surreal not having to use Tor to post anonymously and insert my signature manually every post.
Glad to join you all, fellas!
(Score: 1) by yellowantphil on Friday February 21 2014, @02:11AM
It's especially odd, considering that you were agreeing with my comment. Maybe the site is being a little loose with who gets mod points, and it's the moderator who was the troll in this case.
(Score: 1) by koreanbabykilla on Friday February 21 2014, @02:46AM
Im sure they will iron out the kinks. I wouldnt even have bitched but I want to help improve this place. I think my name causes slow-witted people to automatically mod me troll.
(Score: 1) by koreanbabykilla on Friday February 21 2014, @03:17AM
Times like this I wish I could edit, but still glad I cant cause that what makes slashcode different. No edit, no delete. I'm a lurker. I don't comment much, but love the discussion. I learned most of what I know about tech stuff from chips & dips/ slashdot over the last decade and a half. I 3 soylent news, and I cant wait till there are enough commenters that I can sit back in the shadows and just comment when I know WTF Im taking about (not that often lol). I just know if there are 7 comments, I dont bother. I made this username more than 10 years ago when the koreans were fucking up the US Diablo 2 servers. Probably should have changed it when I moved here, but now I figure It just shows the flaws in the mods.
I really and truly hope in 10-15 years this is still the place I come first when I wake up to read intelligent discussion and to learn things.
I keep getting 10 mod points then lose them when someone doesn't like what I have to say. Then my karma hits 0 and they disappear. Its disheartening. I'm really trying to contribute and I get a big "FUCK YOU" in return.
I didnt say I demand! you make it "fuck beta".
I made a suggestion.
I guess If my karma stays low its cause people hate what I have to say and I should just lurk.
either way Im not going anywhere and I 3 all the soylentnews staff for all the hard work they have put into this.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by mcgrew on Friday February 21 2014, @09:13PM
Malda should never have sold it.
I don't know, I imagine I would have. He was probably getting sick of slashdot anyway. Hell, I let my old Quake site lapse out of my own boredom with it and nobody even offered me any money. Had I been offered enough to retire on, well, of course I would have taken it.
I don't blame Malda a bit. I blame the greedy cockbiting corporate greedsters who bought it.
Look what happened to K5 when Rusty got tired of it. It was a thriving community. The site's still up, but there's no community any more (maybe a dozen people left), the trolls ran everyone off. And I don't doubt Rusty could have sold it, and he's probably kicking himself for not doing so.
Nothing lasts forever. I'm kind of glad Dice started that Beta bullshit because it caused soylent to come into existance, and IMO soylent is a better site so far. Five years from now, who knows?
The more I learn, the more I realize how abysmally ignorant I am.
(Score: 1) by fx_68 on Monday February 24 2014, @05:42AM
I'm glad soylentnews.org is up and running strong. I was very disappointed in /. As well as the beta.
It screamed Google news in beta. I looked to you guys and gals for insiteful information as well as comments on your view of the subjects posted.
OK. Back to hoho's and dew
Some where on the black vein highways of America......
(Score: 2, Interesting) by hankwang on Sunday February 23 2014, @01:20AM
It's easy to say that today, but what would have been the alternative? Today, servers are cheap. But on 1999's hardware, it was probably not that easy to run a site with slashdot's traffic. According to Wikipedia, Slashdot was netting about $20k per year: not enough to hire even one more full-time staff member. Selling the business to a company that can do the necessary investments is the only way to grow. I think Malda mentioned in an interview (two years ago?) that probably Slashdot wouldn't have survived on its own, without those investments.
It makes one wonder whether it's possible to sell a company and still have a way to guarantee that the spirit is kept, other than having the founder keep 51% of the shares.
Avantslash: SoylentNews for mobile [avantslash.org]
(Score: 3, Insightful) by hemocyanin on Thursday February 20 2014, @03:33AM
Exactly the same sentiment here. I actually did totally abstain during the slashcott but it was rough. Like coming off crack or something. I returned to /. just in time to see a post about SN going live and now I don't miss /. all. I maybe check once a day, but unless I'm really interested in something, I don't even open the articles. so -- I'm happy to say that since I've taken up the SN heroin, I don't miss the /. crack at all.
(Score: 1) by joshuajon on Friday February 21 2014, @05:13PM
Did they post about it? I actually went over there to search for such a story but couldn't find it. Link it here if you are able, I'm curious to read their take on it.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday February 21 2014, @06:46PM
(Score: 2, Interesting) by No.Limit on Friday February 21 2014, @10:27PM
did the boycott, read a few stories and then came across a comment about sn.
never looked back ever since.
but then I've only been part of ./ for a year or two, so I guess I'm not quite a hardcore addict as others here
but hey, now I got a low id!
(Score: 2) by Gaaark on Saturday February 22 2014, @12:11AM
I like your attitude...
Me, I wish my uid was lower! :)
--- Please remind me if I haven't been civil to you: I'm channeling MDC. ---Gaaark 2.0 ---
(Score: 2, Interesting) by tynin on Friday February 21 2014, @10:00PM
I'll admit, I couldn't keep away during the slashcott. I even posted once or twice. But the moment I read about SN (and technocrat.net coming back), I deleted all of my /. bookmarks.
/. and I still feel like I'll never need another hit. This is literally the longest I've been without that site in the last decade+. We can be strong as a community and give up that old tired crack for this higher grade old school crack, that we so SO need!
::smacks vein waiting for the next story to be posted::
Today is day 3 without
(Score: 1) by Acabatag on Monday February 24 2014, @12:05AM
I know what you mean about /. withdrawals.
I found out about the 9/11 Attack on that fateful morning because somebody posted an off-topic comment about it in a Slashdot thread. It was a 'whoops, better go check what the non-nerds are up to' moment for me.
(Score: 1) by strength_of_10_men on Thursday February 20 2014, @06:54PM
I'm with you on this one. I did the boycott and it was easier than I thought it would be, with the help of Ars and Reddit. But since I've found SN, it's been no going back. Their loss.
(Score: 2, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Friday February 21 2014, @03:31AM
I'm here! Your handy dandy AC Troll!
The colors are all wrong here. And really, the Slashdot layout from 1999?!
I mean come on people!
You asked for commenters, you didn't say what quality. :-P
(Score: 1) by ikanreed on Monday February 24 2014, @08:01PM
My work unblocked it, so one more. Unless I don't show up, like some kind of liar.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by c0lo on Thursday February 20 2014, @06:45AM
I object. A meme, by its very nature, is a piece of ethos that potentially transcends the authors or social group which gave birth to it. Now, from this perspective:
* why should we extend the trauma over the aeons to come?
* I mean... look at the Northern Ireland for example. Do you really want your grandkids to remember and always be resentful towards the dice followers?
https://www.youtube.com/@ProfSteveKeen https://soylentnews.org/~MichaelDavidCrawford
(Score: 2, Interesting) by WildWombat on Friday February 21 2014, @01:47AM
I disagree. Although Fuck Beta is still often directed at Dice I think it also has a larger meaning. A stand against change for the sake of monetizing and ruining something wonderful for the sake of some money grubbing corporate overlord sons of bitches. You digg? See, that one didn't stand the test of time, but I think Fuck Beta might. Shit, I almost feel like I should trademark Fuck Beta and sue everyone who uses it as some sort of quixotic meta protest against corporatism run amok.
Or not.
P.S. I think I'm going to snack on some Olives and Feta.
(Score: 1, Informative) by crutchy on Thursday February 20 2014, @10:14AM
thanks to you sir i have slobbery pieces of corn chips inbetween the keys of my keyboard :-P
(Score: 2, Insightful) by LookIntoTheFuture on Thursday February 20 2014, @11:17AM
The anger for me is over. Because of beta, Soylentnews was born. Seeing its birth was one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced on the web. Open source software FTW! I give thanks to everyone that has made it possible. You've made a lovely home for all of us to enjoy. Keep up the great work!
We should definitely keep the meme. Why was CowboyNeal chosen for the /. polls?
(Score: 2) by FatPhil on Thursday February 20 2014, @01:21PM
There's no need for anger, indeed. However, I think we should be poking fun of them just for cheap laughs. It doesn't have to be the same thing each poll, in fact, having it varied is probably better.
The Soylent IRC customised IdleRPG will have some mild anti-slashdot references in it, for example (as calamaties, for example). It's at their expense, yes, however it's not powered by bile but by cheekiness.
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
(Score: 2) by mcgrew on Friday February 21 2014, @09:22PM
The cheap laughs will come when their user base deteriorates even farther. Kinda but not really offtopic, but your sig says you swear not to contribute there, well, I'm not going to do anything out of spite but to tell the truth, I haven't been there much since soylent went live. This is a much better site, no need to swear fealty to it. And there are still a lot of good nerds there who haven't come back from the dark side yet, how are you going to encourage them if you stay away from there?
The more I learn, the more I realize how abysmally ignorant I am.
(Score: 2) by FatPhil on Saturday February 22 2014, @12:26PM
I have chosen the wording of my .sig, like I chose the wording of almost everything I write, quite precisely.
It's not a promise to avoid slashdot.
It's not swearing fealty to this site.
As you say, gently name-dropping of this site on that site is probably of more benefit to us than them. So an occasional pablum post to /. would be useful, just because of my oh-so-subtle .sig over there. That wouldn't be contribution, that would be if anything subversion, and I would consider it.
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
(Score: 3, Interesting) by mcgrew on Saturday February 22 2014, @03:51PM
An interesting concept, thanks for sharing. Since soylent started I've been at /. less and less. I'll have to keep putting my journals over there since I need the audience; there are a couple hundred people reading my journals (as opposed to almost nobody here reading them) and a few of them have bought hardcover copies of Nobots. Any suggestions on how to get my slashdot audience to join us here would be appreciated.
I am posting journals here first, though. I like it better here, the aliterate and ignorant haven't found it yet.
The more I learn, the more I realize how abysmally ignorant I am.
(Score: 1) by rcamera on Thursday February 20 2014, @12:45PM
how is that different than the "dice.com" option? either way, 15 years from now, only us old folk will remember the origin of the meme. and we'll get to be all smarmy about it. i can hardly wait!
/* no comment */
(Score: 2, Interesting) by rival on Friday February 21 2014, @04:37PM
If we slam dice.com, we're going after someone's business name and they could come after us for libel; probably best to avoid that. Beta, on the other hand, is a generic term. We can always say we're against all forms of beta software, or even that we're just VHS fans.
I do think it's important we keep a meme to remember why Soylent News was started, though. Beta will stop being beta at some point soon, and just become Slashdot. As Slashdot continues to change over time, it will either eventually mutate beyond recognition or just go under. Either way, we don't want to forget where we've come from, either the good things or the bad. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.
That's the whole point of memes: to carry and communicate cultural ideas. We immediately think of humour, but they're just as present in learning and sharing history, values, trades/skills, &c. What do we want to remember?
(Score: 2, Informative) by rcamera on Friday February 21 2014, @05:30PM
/* no comment */
(Score: 2, Insightful) by Jerry Smith on Thursday February 20 2014, @01:02PM
No. It's good that there's a worthy tech news site now, and it's of no use to keep dragging the past. I like it in here and the vibe should be going on as it is, with that fresh look of 2004 :)
Sometimes it's better to stop pissing on the graves of your enemies, and start using the toilet again.
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
(Score: 1) by cosurgi on Thursday February 20 2014, @03:24PM
well said
and also, I like very much this fresh 1998 look :)
#\ @ ? [adom.de] Colonize Mars [kozicki.pl]
(Score: 4, Funny) by Buck Feta on Friday February 21 2014, @01:26AM
It could be "Michael P. Durney".
Not the Michael P. Durney who's the CEO of Dice, but a totally different Michael P. Durney.
- fractious political commentary goes here -
(Score: 2) by mcgrew on Friday February 21 2014, @09:29PM
Nope, won't work unless you misspell it. There was a southern rock band a few decades ago who wanted to name their band after a hated gym teacher in high school, MCA's lawyers sayd "no" he'll sue and win. So rather than calling themselves Leonard Skinnard, they called it Lynard Skynard.
Better than "Michael P. Durney", make fun of that new mickey mouse interface and call it Micky P. Dumey.
The more I learn, the more I realize how abysmally ignorant I am.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday February 20 2014, @09:58PM
(Score: 3, Funny) by kumanopuusan on Friday February 21 2014, @01:10AM
On that topic, does anyone know how long it will take to port Slashdot Beta to Slashcode so we can get those awesome features here, too?
(Score: 2) by mcgrew on Friday February 21 2014, @09:32PM
Is that a troll or just a sick joke?
The more I learn, the more I realize how abysmally ignorant I am.
(Score: 1) by kumanopuusan on Saturday February 22 2014, @11:42PM
A little from column a, a little from column B...
(Score: 1) by elgrantrolo on Friday February 21 2014, @08:06PM
I think it was on barrapunto.org that I saw a mention of a mysterious "Buck Feta".
(Score: 0) by FuckBeta on Saturday February 22 2014, @08:02PM
Came here to post this option.
We should have a subtle beta reference appropriate to each poll.
Quit Slashdot...because Fuck Beta!