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posted by martyb on Sunday October 30 2016, @11:26AM   Printer-friendly
from the peaceful-protest-vs-armed-protest dept.

Catholic Online reports

On Thursday [October 27], the Bundy gang of ranchers who took over a federal building in Oregon and led a 41-day standoff were acquitted on all charges. At least five of the seven surviving militia members will now walk free from federal custody as a result. Ammon Bundy will not be released however because he still faces charges in Nevada over the standoff at his father's ranch two years ago. His brother, Ryan Bundy also remains in custody. An eighth member of their gang was killed by police when the standoff drew to an end.

[...]The Bundy gang also staged their occupation on sacred Native American land. This cannot be condoned; it would be like legitimizing the armed takeover of a parish church.

[...]At the same time the Bundy gang was being acquitted, heavily armed paramilitary-police moved into the crowds at Cannonball, North Dakota gassing and arresting protesters. The key difference in this case is [that] the protesters in North Dakota are peaceful and unarmed.

[...] During Thursday's protest, a fire broke out at the site and police moved in with riot gear and military-grade armored vehicles. They attacked the crowd with tear gas, a sound cannon, batons, and bean-bag ammunition. Police are evicting the protesters by force to make way for the pipeline's construction. Protesters have built barricades to keep authorities at bay.

Peoples World continues


Encampment at Standing Rock cleared; over 140 arrested

Police and those present at the #NoDAPL protest encampment yesterday say that protesters have been cleared from the northern camp along the Cannon Ball River near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation in North Dakota. News reports say over 140 people were arrested, and officers used pepper spray against protesters but no serious injuries were reported.

Beginning at 11:15 am MT [PDF], officers moved toward a group of people camping out near highway 1806 near the town of Cannon Ball, ND. According to the Associated Press, some of the officers were in riot gear, some were armed, and they arrived with soldiers driving trucks and military Humvees. They also deployed helicopters and an airplane that monitored them from above.

The Federal Aviation Administration began restricting flights over the area on Tuesday afternoon [October 25], and will continue to do so until Nov. 5, according to the FAA website, which cites "hazards" in the area.

The police operation came the day after the Morton County Sheriff's Department asked protesters to leave the land, [PDF] which is in the path of the Dakota Access Pipeline under construction.

Additionally, over the last several weeks, over 140 "water and land protectors", as those protesting the building of the Dakota Access oil pipeline call themselves, have been arrested during police raids. The mainstream media has remained relatively mum about the human rights violations that have been unfolding at Standing Rock, where the construction of the multi-billion dollar funded Dakota Access Pipeline is underway.

[...] Frustrations continue to rise as [a] media blackout continues.

[...] Many have voiced outrage over the selective coverage being given by the media to such a critical issue.


Last week, Energy Transfer Partners, the company constructing the Dakota Access Pipeline, voluntarily stopped work at the building site just North of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation.

The Army Corps of Engineers has confirmed that the company doesn't have a written easement from the agency to build on Corps property. A Corps spokesperson says that Energy Transfer Partners has filed the paperwork for the easement but it's still under review.

Previous Coverage:
Ammon & Ryan Bundy Arrested in Oregon; One Dead in Shootout with Cops
Militia Occupies Federal Building in Oregon After Rancher Arson Convictions

Original Submission

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  • (Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:07PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:07PM (#420484)

    > And the lesson here is: if you're going to protest, be armed while you do.

    Yeah. That worked out great for LaVoy Finicum []

    The actual lesson here is: Being white still rocks.

    Starting Score:    0  points
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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:08PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:08PM (#420485)

    Yes, being white will get you shot.

  • (Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:25PM

    by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:25PM (#420487) Homepage Journal

    Yeah. That worked out great for LaVoy Finicum

    It did in fact. Death should always be preferable to allowing your liberty to be infringed for any American.

    The actual lesson here is: Being white still rocks.

    Racist fool.

    My rights don't end where your fear begins.
    • (Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:41PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:41PM (#420491)

      > It did in fact. Death should always be preferable to allowing your liberty to be infringed for any American.

      Lol. Big talk internet tough guy.

      > Racist fool.

      Takes one to know one.

      • (Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:47PM

        by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:47PM (#420492) Homepage Journal

        Oh noes! Your fourth grade level retorts have undone me entirely! However shall I go on?

        My rights don't end where your fear begins.
        • (Score: 0, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:52PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 30 2016, @12:52PM (#420493)

          Apparently by posting more ego-defending whines.

  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by Fauxlosopher on Sunday October 30 2016, @03:51PM

    by Fauxlosopher (4804) on Sunday October 30 2016, @03:51PM (#420532) Journal

    Funny you should mention LaVoy Finicum's death - turns out one of the FBI guys shot him in the chest with a "rubber bullet", and only afterwards is LaVoy seen "reaching for his chest" multiple times. Don't take my word for it, though: we can look at the FBI's video for the evidence.

    One of the passengers in LaVoy's truck released a complete, uncut video-and-audio recording of the entire incident, which was synced with the FBI video to provide a more complete picture. As a result, the following two videos present clear evidence of premeditated murder of LaVoy Finicum by members of the FBI. (Once it it known what to look for, the evidence can be clearly seen in the FBI's own aerial camera recording of LaVoy's murder [] even in the low-res version on YouTube. [] ("The Foam Bullet Used to Justify Killing LaVoy Finicum", 26min; detailing LaVoy being shot prior to lowering his arms) [] ("LaVoy Finicum Assassination Forensic Study Released!", 50min; covers the premeditated setup for murder by FBI, including the first stop before the roadblock, and the roadblock just after a blind curve on a downhill grade)

    • (Score: 1) by Ethanol-fueled on Sunday October 30 2016, @05:16PM

      by Ethanol-fueled (2792) on Sunday October 30 2016, @05:16PM (#420563) Homepage

      The FBI also carried out a summary execution of Chris Dorner -- although I think that was a fake op to test whether or not the public would tolerate summary executions as well as public support of the law in general (by seeing how much support Dorner garnered).

      Then you have Waco and Ruby Ridge and the Leonard Peltier incident. American federal law enforcement services should be held to a higher standard and refrain from banana-republic style lawlessness, even if the Waco and Ruby Ridge guys were a little on the nutty side.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 30 2016, @09:53PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday October 30 2016, @09:53PM (#420663)


        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 31 2016, @12:05AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 31 2016, @12:05AM (#420716)

          Mormon Spiritual Wives Matter!

    • (Score: 1) by Burz on Sunday October 30 2016, @11:43PM

      by Burz (6156) on Sunday October 30 2016, @11:43PM (#420710)

      LaVoy has been recorded in the past saying his purpose was to force police to kill him. He espoused a wannabe-martyr's world view... a truly crazy dipshit.

      And yes, charging at cops with a vehicle (and nearly missing one) is one way to accomplish that. Doubly so if you are supposed to have your hands in the air and reach for towards a part of your body that just happens to be holding a semi-automatic weapon while you're approaching said cops.

      If he didn't want to get shot and was really trying to surrender, the smartest thing to do would have been to leave the weapon in the truck or at the very least keep his hands in the air.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 31 2016, @02:28AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday October 31 2016, @02:28AM (#420745)

        LaVoy has been recorded in the past saying his purpose was to force police to kill him

        Where's a link for context? I showed you mine. (I even provided context in the grandparent's linked videos regarding LaVoy stating "you're gonna have to shoot me", in that LaVoy was on his way to meet with law enforcement when he was killed, namely the sheriff of the next county.

        charging at cops with a vehicle (and nearly missing one) is [committing suicide by cop]

        Yeah, it's easy to make such a claim when you ignore the fact that said cop was next to a roadblock, said roadblock was on a blind curve and on a down-grade. Or... you could look at the video I linked - here's another link to the specific relative section of LaVoy's truck and its calculated speed upon approach to the roadblock [].

        If he didn't want to get shot and was really trying to surrender, the smartest thing to do would have been to leave the weapon in the truck or at the very least keep his hands in the air

        You apparently didn't even bother to read the very comment you responded to: one of the FBI guys shot him in the chest with a "rubber bullet", and only afterwards is LaVoy seen "reaching for his chest" multiple times". Go back, read it again, and if you're interested in an actual discussion on the matter, examine the evidence presented in the videos which were provided for you to view and critique.

        • (Score: 0, Flamebait) by Burz on Monday November 07 2016, @07:01PM

          by Burz (6156) on Monday November 07 2016, @07:01PM (#423687)

          This is actually funny, its so detached from reality.

          People get to keep speeding when approaching a MANNED police roadblock? ...which didn't suddenly materialize right in front of him.

          And that's just for starters.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 15 2016, @04:23AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday November 15 2016, @04:23AM (#426857)

            People get to keep speeding when approaching a MANNED police roadblock? ...which didn't suddenly materialize right in front of him.

            The clearly-labelled link in the post you replied to [] contains information which directly contradicts your "claims". Here it is again: LaVoy did not "continue to speed" at the roadblock; the roadblock did very much appear suddenly to anyone rounding the preceeding curve. []

            And that's just for starters.

            Oh, do go on.

            I'll keep a closer eye out now that I see you like to wait a week to compose your wordy and witty replies apparently consisting of nothing but implied ad hominem and ignoring spoon-fed supporting evidence.