lubricus writes "Facebook announced plans to acquire WhatsApp for four billion cash, plus 12 billion in Facebook shares.
Additionally, WhatsApp employees and founders will receive three billion in restricted stock which will vest in four years. Facebook also agreed to a one billion dollar break up fee.
WhatsApp says they have message volume which approaches the global SMS volume, and hope to have one billion users. Even at those figures, Facebook is paying $16 per user.
I'm guessing WhatsApp will send Snapchat developers a cake."
(Score: 3, Informative) by gallondr00nk on Thursday February 20 2014, @10:39AM
There's also Freetalk (console) and Psi, though the latter misses OTR. Psi-plus is the latter with OTR support and Jingle (audio/video), though I havn't tried it (the AUR version is broken).
I love XMPP and would love to see it get more traction. It's frustrating that both WhatsApp and Kik both use the protocol but have butchered it so it isn't compatible with other servers.