Slash Boxes

SoylentNews is people

posted by Dopefish on Thursday February 20 2014, @09:00AM   Printer-friendly
from the when-will-this-darn-bubble-pop-already? dept.

lubricus writes "Facebook announced plans to acquire WhatsApp for four billion cash, plus 12 billion in Facebook shares.

Additionally, WhatsApp employees and founders will receive three billion in restricted stock which will vest in four years. Facebook also agreed to a one billion dollar break up fee.

WhatsApp says they have message volume which approaches the global SMS volume, and hope to have one billion users. Even at those figures, Facebook is paying $16 per user.

I'm guessing WhatsApp will send Snapchat developers a cake."

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  • (Score: 4, Informative) by deif on Thursday February 20 2014, @11:20AM

    by deif (92) on Thursday February 20 2014, @11:20AM (#3349)

    Unfortunately Telegram doesn't have clients for Symbian, Blackberry or Windows Phone, and from what I've heard the have no plans to support those platforms.

    There are still a significant ammount of users of those platforms around (specially in countries outside the US).
    I myself still use a Symbian phone. I can't justify spending money to a new phone when this one still works fine. I even write programs for it with Qt (for personal use).

    Here in Spain many people is increasingly being aware of Telegram, but many end uninstalling it cause they can't communicate with some of their contacts (some even say about 1/3 of their contacts use something else than iOS or Andriod).

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    Total Score:   4  
  • (Score: 4, Interesting) by epl on Thursday February 20 2014, @12:26PM

    by epl (1801) on Thursday February 20 2014, @12:26PM (#3378)

    Not to be "that guy", but I'm still going to say it. If you write QT apps for your phone, you could try your hand at writing a client, they do have an API. I can understand them not wanting to write apps for devices that haven't been made for years, but they do offer you the chance to roll something yourself if you are so inclined and someone already has for WP.

    It's obviously going to be your choice if you find it worth your effort or would prefer to find a service that already caters to your existing ecosystem.

    • (Score: 2, Funny) by dotdotdot on Thursday February 20 2014, @03:29PM

      by dotdotdot (858) on Thursday February 20 2014, @03:29PM (#3501)

      Wow! Two mentions of Windows Phone and no mindless, knee-jerk comments bashing it? I'm liking my Soylent more and more everyday.