King's College London researchers have found a method of stimulating the stem cells inside of teeth in order to generate new dentine mineral, potentially reducing the need to use man-made materials to treat cavities:
A new method of stimulating the renewal of living stem cells in tooth pulp using an Alzheimer's drug has been discovered by a team of researchers at King's College London. Following trauma or an infection, the inner, soft pulp of a tooth can become exposed and infected. In order to protect the tooth from infection, a thin band of dentine is naturally produced and this seals the tooth pulp, but it is insufficient to effectively repair large cavities. Currently dentists use man-made cements or fillings, such as calcium and silicon-based products, to treat these larger cavities and fill holes in teeth. This cement remains in the tooth and fails to disintegrate, meaning that the normal mineral level of the tooth is never completely restored.
However, in a paper published today in Scientific Reports, scientists from the Dental Institute at King's College London have proven a way to stimulate the stem cells contained in the pulp of the tooth and generate new dentine – the mineralised material that protects the tooth - in large cavities, potentially reducing the need for fillings or cements.
Promotion of natural tooth repair by small molecule GSK3 antagonists (open, DOI: 10.1038/srep39654) (DX)
(Score: 2) by MostCynical on Thursday January 12 2017, @10:12PM
so now you should be able to grow horns or tusks!
"I guess once you start doubting, there's no end to it." -Batou, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday January 12 2017, @10:24PM
Billionaire hipsters will grow real unicorn horns.
(Score: 2) by Grishnakh on Thursday January 12 2017, @10:42PM
Antlers [] will be the next big fad.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday January 13 2017, @02:47AM
You joke, but as a kid in the 1960's in central Wisconsin my GF had a slightly older kid rub his hand all over her head one day. He was a Lutheran (or similar?) and had been told by some bigot that Jews had horns, he was puzzled to find a smooth head under the hair (she is Jewish and had thick curly hair).
She got out of town as soon as she was able, left high school early to attend U Madison.
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Friday January 13 2017, @03:38AM
I'm thinking of rodent teeth sprouting out of the cavity holes - oh, so painful.
🌻🌻 []