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posted by on Sunday January 29 2017, @12:14PM   Printer-friendly
from the stop-thinking-that-you're-a-dictator dept.

The Intercept reports

A Federal judge in New York issued a nationwide temporary injunction [1], halting the implementation of President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration on Saturday night, blocking the deportation of travelers with valid visas detained at airports in the past 24 hours.

Judge Ann Donnelly, a United States District Court Judge in Brooklyn, issued the ruling at an emergency hearing on a lawsuit [2] filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups on Saturday, as Trump's executive order temporarily banning citizens of seven nations with Muslim majorities from entering the U.S. took immediate effect.

The judge ruled that the government must immediately stop deporting travelers from those nations, including refugees who already went through a rigorous vetting process, and provide a complete list of all those detained, immigrants rights lawyer Lee Gelernt told reporters in Brooklyn.

[Ed Note (martyb): Original text and links from The Intercept are reproduced here — to bypass indirections and Javascript use the following links.]

[1] Direct link to a PDF of the Emergency Motion for Stay of Removal (Case 1:17-cv-00480 Document 8 Filed 01/28/17).
[2] Direct link to a PDF of the Original ACLU Complaint (Case 1:17-cv-00480 Document 1 Filed 01/28/17).

Breaking News: Immigration Ban Includes Green Card Holders

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 29 2017, @07:05PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 29 2017, @07:05PM (#460351)

    That family sent back to Doha was christian.
    I guess this isn't a muslim ban after all!

    Nah... Just unintended consequences.
    Hey derpaway, how's that christofacism working out?

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 29 2017, @08:47PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 29 2017, @08:47PM (#460389)

    The 7 countries under Donnie Tiny Hands' blanket ban are Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Libya, and Somalia.

    The Christian sect in Egypt are called Copts.
    They are a minority of the population and are persecuted.
    That non-Muslim sect and other non-Muslim sects have also taken root in adjoining lands. []
    Note the overlap with the list of 7.

    In their countries, those Christians are being targeted.
    2015 kidnapping and beheading of Copts in Libya []
    At least 25 killed in explosion at Coptic Christian chapel in Cairo []
    Christian Persecution in Somalia []

    If you are even suspected of being a Christian in Somalia, you could be murdered on the spot.

    Cheating Donald [] (orig) [] claims to be a Christian, but his actions aren't anything like what the Nazarean taught.
    It should come as no surprise that he has no empathy for those persecuted Christians.

    ...or even knowledge of their existence.
    Expecting a president who gets his "information" from cable TeeVee to be well-informed and make wise decisions is just silly.

    -- OriginalOwner_ []