The Intercept reports
A Federal judge in New York issued a nationwide temporary injunction [1], halting the implementation of President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration on Saturday night, blocking the deportation of travelers with valid visas detained at airports in the past 24 hours.
Judge Ann Donnelly, a United States District Court Judge in Brooklyn, issued the ruling at an emergency hearing on a lawsuit [2] filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups on Saturday, as Trump's executive order temporarily banning citizens of seven nations with Muslim majorities from entering the U.S. took immediate effect.
The judge ruled that the government must immediately stop deporting travelers from those nations, including refugees who already went through a rigorous vetting process, and provide a complete list of all those detained, immigrants rights lawyer Lee Gelernt told reporters in Brooklyn.
[Ed Note (martyb): Original text and links from The Intercept are reproduced here — to bypass indirections and Javascript use the following links.]
[1] Direct link to a PDF of the Emergency Motion for Stay of Removal (Case 1:17-cv-00480 Document 8 Filed 01/28/17).
[2] Direct link to a PDF of the Original ACLU Complaint (Case 1:17-cv-00480 Document 1 Filed 01/28/17).
Breaking News: Immigration Ban Includes Green Card Holders
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 29 2017, @08:18PM
You are a child, Runaway, and it is tiresome for the adults on SoylentNews to constantly have to stop the discussion to explain rather basic things to you. So if you could, preferably, just remain obscene and not heard? Just to facilitate the discussion?
(Score: 0, Flamebait) by Runaway1956 on Sunday January 29 2017, @10:24PM
You, Sir, may fuck off and die, anytime.
“I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 29 2017, @11:15PM
Again, how mature of you. But wait, how mature are you actually? Do you find you have problems remembering people's names? Have you ever recently been unsure what city or town you were in? Perhaps you should seek professional help. We all wish you the best, and hope you get better.
(Score: 2) by Phoenix666 on Monday January 30 2017, @02:37AM
For what it's worth, I am ignorant of how those things work, too. So for me the question is a legitimate request for knowledge. The polite thing to do, the helpful thing to do, would be to answer it succinctly and forthrightly. And, no, RTFM is not an appropriate answer in this case because TFM is very, very long and arduous reading, and Google will be of no real help. And even if you found a lawyer online to ask, chances are they'd be at odds with the next lawyer in line, at which point they'd devolve into an endless, desultory argument replete with minutiae and arcana, exchanged at a slowly growing volume. At least, that's been my experience with anything that's ever come out of a lawyer's mouth.
So, how about be a mensch and give the guy (and me, and others) a straight answer, if you know it, instead of jumping on another cheap opportunity to slam the guy?
Washington DC delenda est.