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posted by on Sunday January 29 2017, @12:14PM   Printer-friendly
from the stop-thinking-that-you're-a-dictator dept.

The Intercept reports

A Federal judge in New York issued a nationwide temporary injunction [1], halting the implementation of President Donald Trump's executive order on immigration on Saturday night, blocking the deportation of travelers with valid visas detained at airports in the past 24 hours.

Judge Ann Donnelly, a United States District Court Judge in Brooklyn, issued the ruling at an emergency hearing on a lawsuit [2] filed by the American Civil Liberties Union and other groups on Saturday, as Trump's executive order temporarily banning citizens of seven nations with Muslim majorities from entering the U.S. took immediate effect.

The judge ruled that the government must immediately stop deporting travelers from those nations, including refugees who already went through a rigorous vetting process, and provide a complete list of all those detained, immigrants rights lawyer Lee Gelernt told reporters in Brooklyn.

[Ed Note (martyb): Original text and links from The Intercept are reproduced here — to bypass indirections and Javascript use the following links.]

[1] Direct link to a PDF of the Emergency Motion for Stay of Removal (Case 1:17-cv-00480 Document 8 Filed 01/28/17).
[2] Direct link to a PDF of the Original ACLU Complaint (Case 1:17-cv-00480 Document 1 Filed 01/28/17).

Breaking News: Immigration Ban Includes Green Card Holders

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 4, Informative) by TheRaven on Monday January 30 2017, @11:41AM

    by TheRaven (270) on Monday January 30 2017, @11:41AM (#460605) Journal

    Remember, Obama was not only declared entirely free to decide which laws passed by Congress would be enforced as a matter of resource allocation

    There is precedent for this going back well over a century, so it's not exactly an 'Oooo, Obama' thing. That said, there's a big difference between a President deciding not to enforce a law and a President deciding to break a law. The US legal system, inheriting from English common law, starts from the perspective that humans have all freedoms and that laws can only remove them (i.e. you may legally do anything that is not explicitly prohibited by law). This means that the former gives the President the power to grant more freedoms by refusing to enforce laws that remove them, whereas the latter gives the President the right to remove freedoms.

    sudo mod me up
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