We all know that python is slower than compiled languages like C. But what can you do about it? Jake VanderPlas, director of research in the physical sciences for the university of Washington's eScience institute, digs into python's internals to explain how it works and what program design choices you can make to use python efficiently.
(Score: 2) by kaszz on Tuesday May 13 2014, @04:01AM
Dito for Perl. What I really like is the powerful and easy pattern matching capability. One can mix huge binaries with bit operations and laissez faires operands that stretch arithmetic to string matching without boundaries.
As always if you code to shoot yourself in the foot. The code will deliver your misery.
(Score: 2) by Nerdfest on Tuesday May 13 2014, @10:56AM
Clear, easy to maintain Python code? So, you're the guy.
(Score: 2) by Nerdfest on Tuesday May 13 2014, @10:58AM
Damn, meant perl code. Doh.