Common Dreams reports:
Proponents of an open internet are holding a rally on Monday [February 27] to mark the two-year anniversary of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) vote that enshrined net neutrality protections that the new Trump administration has already begun eroding.
The 3pm event in Washington, D.C [was] backed by the Color of Change, National Hispanic Media Coalition, Center for Media Justice, and Free Press, and will feature the FCC's only Democratic commissioner, Mignon Clyburn.
[...] According to Timothy Karr, senior director of strategy for Free Press, "No FCC chair over the past 40 years has been so bent on undermining the agency's public-service mission and destroying the safeguards on which hundreds of millions of Americans rely."
Laying out the stakes, Max Anderson, coordinator for Human Rights Watch's general counsel's office, wrote last week:
Should net neutrality be scrapped in the U.S., it will enable service providers to throttle internet speeds or block access to websites based on commercial deals they cut with media providers. That would undermine freedom of expression and access to information. Once these practices have been established, it's a short step to other human rights consequences. Governments that already attempt to stifle lawful online expression will welcome a new tool for silencing critics. The FCC should retain its good example to the world and enforce net neutrality. If the internet stands a chance of enabling the realization of human rights, then access needs to be nondiscriminatory and in line with human rights in the widest sense.
[...] So, what can people do?
"The short answer is to raise hell", said Craig Aaron, CEO of Free Press, to Mercury News columnist Troy Wolverton.
"Net neutrality is an issue that a lot of people care about--millions and millions more than the FCC ever expected", Aaron said. "We need to hear from those people again."
The good old days: U.S. Appeals Court Upholds Net Neutrality Rules in Full
What's that? You thought we fought this one before? FCC Extends Net Neutrality Comment Period (Again)
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday March 01 2017, @03:15PM
That's because you chose a method where no one profits. Book a space trip complete with space walk, and then while in space open the helmet of your space suit. That way everyone can profit from your suicide. First, the space company you paid for the trip. Next, the media companies that not only have the sensational news of the first suicide in free space, but additionally can place lots of opinion pieces about whether it is ethical to do suicide that way, whether something should be done to prevent further suicides of that sort, whether the company should have noticed your plan and stopped you, whether private space travel is good, after all, and so on. Also, they will be able to speculate whether you went to space in order to commit suicide, or if you became suicidal only after entering space, which can then spawn the topic of whether going to space may wreck your mind, well, you see, the possibilities are endless. Of course there will be books written about the incident, Hollywood will at some point turn it into a movie, conspiracy theorists will speculate whether extraterrestrials made you do it, or if it was just plain old mind manipulation rays from the government, applied through a nearby secret satellite …