In The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams noted that "on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars, and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons."
This is an interesting point, and one that's tackled in great detail in Kevin Laland's new book, Darwin's Unfinished Symphony. Other species are indisputably smart; they can learn by example, they can communicate, they can innovate to solve problems, they can use tools, they may even have distinct cultures. But humans are clearly different. Other species don't listen to Baroque concerti or read classical philosophy hundreds of years after the scores were composed or the treatises written. They just don't.
This difference really bugged Laland. He is loath to say that humans are special because that implies some vast, unbridgeable gulf between us and our closest kin. Laland is an evolutionary biologist, and he doesn't go for those sorts of claims. He knows that humans evolved from a common ancestor with other primates through natural selection and other such well-defined mechanisms.
Yet a vast, unbridgeable gulf really does, in fact, come between us and our closest kin. Something huge must have happened to explain how and why we alone have built cathedrals and telescopes and banks and submarines and smartphones and particle accelerators. This is not navel gazing; we are special.
So, with Darwin's Unfinished Symphony, Laland set out to define what that something huge was. He concluded that it was not as dramatic as one of our early ancestors getting repeatedly struck by lightning or bitten by a radioactive spider. Rather, his thesis is that humans alone evolved such a complex culture because humans alone have teachers dedicated to teaching their young. And the reason only we have teachers—people who devote the bulk of their lives to teaching the offspring of strangers not only vital life skills, like how to hunt and fish, but the entire accumulated knowledge of our species over the past few millennia—is because... we have such a complex culture.
Yes, that's circular. We generated culture, which shaped our evolution to allow us to devise language so we could generate an increasingly complex culture—well, that's how feedback loops work.
-- submitted from IRC
(Score: 2) by bzipitidoo on Thursday March 02 2017, @05:00PM (2 children)
> Something huge must have happened to explain how and why we alone have __ built cathedrals ___
Of all the things we've accomplished, why include cathedrals among the 6 picked for mention? What logical explanation is there for that?
(Score: 5, Insightful) by art guerrilla on Thursday March 02 2017, @07:12PM
well, in a building construction way of looking at it, they were a pretty big jump in engineering... exact SAME materials we nekkid apes had been mucking around with for millions of years, but now those stones could arch and buttress and sing and fly into the sky... simple application of engineering principles, mere IDEAS which led from making crude one story huts to meticulously balanced structures which could soar... of course, the same could be said of later roman engineering and such, but they 'cheated' by using their great concrete, not just stones and mortar... forget about the religious aspect of cathedrals, they were simply amazing feats of engineering...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 03 2017, @01:14AM
Never seen what a medieval cathedral looks like?
Had you talked to a dude who had tried to build something really tall circa 1066, he would have told you that, to support all the weight, you needed to make the walls REALLY thick at the bottom and everything needed to be SOLID stone.
Before too many decades, they had figured out buttresses; in a century or so, flying buttresses.
What they built started looking elegant, like they were celebrations rather than just fortresses.
With less massive walls, they could put big expanses of stained glass where stone had been required before.
They figured out how to paint on wet stucco so that the image became a permanent part of the structure.
Add on the stuff they got from the Romans (arches, domes).
Like the pyramids, it shows that a great deal of planning and coordination was needed.
So, big brains plus skilled hands (opposable thumbs) plus socialization were all required.
-- OriginalOwner_ []