The U.N. has begun discussion on "lethal autonomous robots," killing machines which take the next step from our current drones which are operator controlled, to completely autonomous killing machines.
"Killer robots would threaten the most fundamental of rights and principles in international law," warned Steve Goose, arms division director at Human Rights Watch.
Are we too far down the rabbit hole, or can we come to reasonable and humane limits on this new world of death-by-algorithm?
(Score: 2, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 15 2014, @05:29AM
This story is essentially a dupe from last week:3 27222 []
Or we could do it this way:
Terminator: UN Planing to Debate Killer Robots Next Week
Terminator Judgment Day: UN Starts to Debate Killer Robots
Terminator Rise of the Machines: UN Debating Killer Robots
Terminator Salvation: UN Finishes Debating Killer Robots
Terminator Genesis: Last Week the UN Debated Killer Robots
And then two season series-
Terminator The Sarah Connor Chronicles: UN Commissions 2 Year Study of Killer Robots
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 15 2014, @09:33AM
Kudos Sir, for finding the dupe and being fucking funny about it! It's shit like this makes me come back to SN.