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posted by n1 on Tuesday April 11 2017, @01:29AM   Printer-friendly
from the politics dept.

After announcing his company was abandoning Unity for GNOME, Shuttleworth posted a thank-you note to the Unity community Friday on Google Plus, but added on Saturday:

"I used to think that it was a privilege to serve people who also loved the idea of service, but now I think many members of the free software community are just deeply anti-social types who love to hate on whatever is mainstream. When Windows was mainstream they hated on it. Rationally, Windows does many things well and deserves respect for those. And when Canonical went mainstream, it became the focus of irrational hatred too. The very same muppets would write about how terrible it was that IOS/Android had no competition and then how terrible it was that Canonical was investing in (free software!) compositing and convergence. Fuck that shit."

"The whole Mir hate-fest boggled my mind - it's free software that does something invisible really well. It became a political topic as irrational as climate change or gun control, where being on one side or the other was a sign of tribal allegiance. We have a problem in the community when people choose to hate free software instead of loving that someone cares enough to take their life's work and make it freely available."

Shuttleworth says that "I came to be disgusted with the hate" on Canonical's display server Mir, saying it "changed my opinion of the free software community."

Full story here.

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  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Grishnakh on Tuesday April 11 2017, @03:21AM (6 children)

    by Grishnakh (2831) on Tuesday April 11 2017, @03:21AM (#492108)

    To be fair, I think the Wayland team could have done a lot better there by addressing people's concerns. Network transparency is an important feature to many people, and it should have been included from the outset, by some means. If that means just adopting RDP and calling it done, then that's fine, just make sure the concern is addressed. It really seemed like they didn't even want to address it until people were screaming.

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    Total Score:   3  
  • (Score: 3, Informative) by sjames on Tuesday April 11 2017, @04:03AM (2 children)

    by sjames (2882) on Tuesday April 11 2017, @04:03AM (#492120) Journal

    Personally the part that bothered me the most was when they started denying that X had the capability rather than concede that people used it and wanted it.

    • (Score: 2) by tekk on Friday April 14 2017, @05:31PM (1 child)

      by tekk (5704) Subscriber Badge on Friday April 14 2017, @05:31PM (#494092)

      To be fair when I saw the actual devs explaining it they were explaining how X didn't really/b do network transparency. The modern X stack stopped using actual X drawing commands when motif died, so all that "network transparent" X does these days is sling around big inefficient bitmaps rather than small X commands. Essentially it's equivalent to VNC but less efficient because iirc X doesn't actually compress the bitmaps it sends over the wire.

      • (Score: 2) by sjames on Friday April 14 2017, @06:39PM

        by sjames (2882) on Friday April 14 2017, @06:39PM (#494141) Journal

        Sure, but they were awfully reluctant to admit that that was what they meant. They knew damned well that whatever was done locally (which was bitmaps) could be as easily done over the network. Of course, you could get compression using ssh.

        Kinda like when Homer Simpson pawned his TV.

        Pawn Broker: Is it cable ready?

        Homer: Ready as she'll ever be!

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2017, @04:13AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2017, @04:13AM (#492123)

    It comes with RDP, yes. And I think X11, but I haven't played with it.

    Seeing as how this keeps coming up time and time and time again, they didn't do a good job communicating that.

    Now it's one of those tribal positions that Wayland has no support for even VNC, or something.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2017, @06:18AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 11 2017, @06:18AM (#492154)

    That put me off. Wayland is still important, but the bashing of everything X was just offensive. I was one of those users of network transparency. Yeah, it isn't perfect in all conceivable cases, but at the end of the day I got what I wanted out of it... a lot more than what they were offering.

  • (Score: 2) by LoRdTAW on Tuesday April 11 2017, @03:30PM

    by LoRdTAW (3755) on Tuesday April 11 2017, @03:30PM (#492305) Journal

    From memory, the Wayland team originally stated that network transparency was never a consideration from the start and that they would investigate that in the future once the core was stable. I can get behind that because trying to satisfy every single use case including niche cases would infect the project with feature creep. Though, they weren't specific about alternatives and even left a feeling of "if you need it bad enough, build it yourself" implying that any remote display support would have to be handled by the community as a 3rd party project. That was the part that didn't sit well. But those were the early days and no one at the time was sure about the projects future.