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posted by on Wednesday April 26 2017, @03:11PM   Printer-friendly
from the band-name-of-the-week dept.

An Alaska dentist, Seth Lookhart, is being prosecuted on 17 counts of fraud and "unlawful dental acts." It's one of these alleged dental acts — Count XI — that has moved me.

Court papers filed this week say in or around July 2016, Lookhart "performed a dental extraction procedure on a sedated patient while riding a hoverboard and filmed the procedure and distributed the film to persons outside his dental practice."

[...] What if his hoverboard skills weren't perfect? What if he'd slipped at the vital moment as his tools were gripped around the patient's teeth? Please forgive me if I also mention that hoverboards have been known to explode and catch fire.


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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2017, @07:18AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday April 27 2017, @07:18AM (#500554)

    "My hoverboard is full of eels." "And it does not actually 'hover'."