Various news outlets are reporting on work published in Nature Communications (open, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15112) (DX) on:
[...] a system that incorporates a pumpless oxygenator circuit connected to the fetus of a lamb via an umbilical cord interface that is maintained within a closed 'amniotic fluid' circuit that closely reproduces the environment of the womb. [...] fetal lambs that are developmentally equivalent to the extreme premature human infant can be physiologically supported in this extra-uterine device for up to 4 weeks.
Related stories:
Scientists Keep Human Embryos Alive Longer Outside of the Womb
Prematurely Born Lambs Kept Alive With Artificial External Placenta - Human Babies Could be Next
(Score: 2) by kaszz on Friday April 28 2017, @01:28AM (5 children)
The implication when you can combine sperm and egg donations together with a artificial womb is mind boggling. Industrial scale soldier production or mail-order-baby ?
I think the society better watch out.
(Score: 3, Informative) by Scruffy Beard 2 on Friday April 28 2017, @01:32AM
This current technology only works on fetuses developed enough to have a heart.
(That is what "pumpless" is about in TFS: the heart serves as the blood circulation pump.)
(Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @01:37AM
Which society? Killing your own clone is considered unlawful murder according to Bajoran law; killing your own clone is considered lawful abortion by Federation law. Have fun with jurisdiction.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @01:40AM
Make anything you want in the lab from start to finish.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by AthanasiusKircher on Friday April 28 2017, @02:26AM (1 child)
Or... you know, Brave New World.
(Score: 2) by Hartree on Friday April 28 2017, @02:50AM
"Or... you know, Brave New World."
Hush, or I'll put alcohol in your blood surrogate.
(Score: 2) by looorg on Friday April 28 2017, @07:54AM (5 children)
The circle is complete then, more or less. Artificial womb, sperm and eggs are now things they are working on. I wonder how many years there will be before GATTACA is no longer just a prophetic movie or vision of the future but reality.
(Score: 2) by marcello_dl on Friday April 28 2017, @09:46AM (2 children)
It is an invariant in modern world. All that used to be free, getting sun, water, food, getting pregnant (not free as in effortless, free as in non controlled by a central authority) is being subjected to the system. Everything is not about money but control.
(Score: 2) by SanityCheck on Friday April 28 2017, @11:42AM
2nd, my friend. It's there for a reason.
(Score: 1, Troll) by Azuma Hazuki on Friday April 28 2017, @05:05PM
You're an Abrahamic cultist so you should have no problem with the idea of centralized, inescapable authoritarian control. Your issue is you don't like other humans doing it.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @09:47AM (1 child)
Isn't it wonderful? Soon TPTB can fire up new peons much as you or I would spin up a new VM. Why buy the entire cow if you only want the milk and all that. Throw in the mix automation and artificial intelligence and the 99% became dead weight.
Guess what happens next?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @04:59PM
After the first horseman of the apocalypse? the other three follow.