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posted by n1 on Friday April 28 2017, @01:01AM   Printer-friendly
from the dear-little-Bottle-of-mine dept.

Various news outlets are reporting on work published in Nature Communications (open, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms15112) (DX) on:

[...] a system that incorporates a pumpless oxygenator circuit connected to the fetus of a lamb via an umbilical cord interface that is maintained within a closed 'amniotic fluid' circuit that closely reproduces the environment of the womb. [...] fetal lambs that are developmentally equivalent to the extreme premature human infant can be physiologically supported in this extra-uterine device for up to 4 weeks.


Related stories:
Scientists Keep Human Embryos Alive Longer Outside of the Womb
Prematurely Born Lambs Kept Alive With Artificial External Placenta - Human Babies Could be Next

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 2) by kaszz on Friday April 28 2017, @01:28AM (5 children)

    by kaszz (4211) on Friday April 28 2017, @01:28AM (#500985) Journal

    The implication when you can combine sperm and egg donations together with a artificial womb is mind boggling. Industrial scale soldier production or mail-order-baby ?
    I think the society better watch out.

    • (Score: 3, Informative) by Scruffy Beard 2 on Friday April 28 2017, @01:32AM

      by Scruffy Beard 2 (6030) on Friday April 28 2017, @01:32AM (#500987)

      This current technology only works on fetuses developed enough to have a heart.
        (That is what "pumpless" is about in TFS: the heart serves as the blood circulation pump.)

    • (Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @01:37AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @01:37AM (#500989)

      Which society? Killing your own clone is considered unlawful murder according to Bajoran law; killing your own clone is considered lawful abortion by Federation law. Have fun with jurisdiction.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @01:40AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @01:40AM (#500992)

      Make anything you want in the lab from start to finish.

    • (Score: 3, Interesting) by AthanasiusKircher on Friday April 28 2017, @02:26AM (1 child)

      by AthanasiusKircher (5291) on Friday April 28 2017, @02:26AM (#501014) Journal

      Or... you know, Brave New World.

      • (Score: 2) by Hartree on Friday April 28 2017, @02:50AM

        by Hartree (195) on Friday April 28 2017, @02:50AM (#501016)

        "Or... you know, Brave New World."

        Hush, or I'll put alcohol in your blood surrogate.

  • (Score: 2) by looorg on Friday April 28 2017, @07:54AM (5 children)

    by looorg (578) on Friday April 28 2017, @07:54AM (#501068)

    The circle is complete then, more or less. Artificial womb, sperm and eggs are now things they are working on. I wonder how many years there will be before GATTACA is no longer just a prophetic movie or vision of the future but reality.

    • (Score: 2) by marcello_dl on Friday April 28 2017, @09:46AM (2 children)

      by marcello_dl (2685) on Friday April 28 2017, @09:46AM (#501088)

      It is an invariant in modern world. All that used to be free, getting sun, water, food, getting pregnant (not free as in effortless, free as in non controlled by a central authority) is being subjected to the system. Everything is not about money but control.

      • (Score: 2) by SanityCheck on Friday April 28 2017, @11:42AM

        by SanityCheck (5190) on Friday April 28 2017, @11:42AM (#501119)

        2nd, my friend. It's there for a reason.

      • (Score: 1, Troll) by Azuma Hazuki on Friday April 28 2017, @05:05PM

        by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Friday April 28 2017, @05:05PM (#501229) Journal

        You're an Abrahamic cultist so you should have no problem with the idea of centralized, inescapable authoritarian control. Your issue is you don't like other humans doing it.

        I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @09:47AM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @09:47AM (#501090)

      Isn't it wonderful? Soon TPTB can fire up new peons much as you or I would spin up a new VM. Why buy the entire cow if you only want the milk and all that. Throw in the mix automation and artificial intelligence and the 99% became dead weight.

      Guess what happens next?

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @04:59PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday April 28 2017, @04:59PM (#501227)

        After the first horseman of the apocalypse? the other three follow.
