MP3 decoding was already free and got recently included in Fedora. But now, encoding is also free according to Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS: "On April 23, 2017, Technicolor's mp3 licensing program for certain mp3 related patents and software of Technicolor and Fraunhofer IIS has been terminated." The Wikipedia MP3 article confirms that.
So, do you still use an MP3 library or have you switched to another format or means of listening to music such as (spying built-in) streaming services?
(Score: 2) by Zyx Abacab on Saturday May 06 2017, @01:33AM
The AC was certainly more belligerent, and said some nasty shit, that's true.
But saying things like:
[W]as your Monster Oxygen-free-silver triple-shielded directional audio cable in the way?
isn't exactly becoming of a constructive discussion, no matter how much of a jerk he or she may be.
Calling the AC narrow-minded—after he or she says that, if MP3 is good enough, you should be happy and not complain about what other people choose to do—is not called-for, either.
If I can hear compression artifacts in the sound of a hi-hat (or applause) on consumer-level equipment, in a double-blind test, having used the best-available MP3 encoders, then the format really does matter to me. Evidently it matters to AC too—whether or not we're in a 5% minority.
MP3 works for you, and that's great! If I don't dismiss your situation, will you do me the kindness of not dismissing mine?
[I]t doesn't freaking matter... [y]ou can keep spouting nonsense...