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posted by Fnord666 on Sunday June 18 2017, @06:57AM   Printer-friendly
from the token-effort dept.

Submitted via IRC for TheMightyBuzzard

We are all aware of the risks introduced by good old third party code. Where would we be without it? Apparently not very far. It is estimated that between 30 to 70 percent of code comes from 3rd party applications. This is why we patch up old libraries and update open source packages.

While the risks of 3rd party code are well known, the risks of using 3rd party containers are more obscure. In this article I will discuss one such risk: the introduction of 3rd party secrets; and look at examples from public registries.

To get a taste of the prevalence of such secrets, we scanned the top 1,000 most popular container images found on public registries. We were not only looking for default passwords, but mostly for less obvious examples of secrets. We selected only the latest images, from the top starred public repositories. What we found convinced us that the risk is very real, as 67% of images had at least one form of a secret.


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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 19 2017, @02:14AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 19 2017, @02:14AM (#527688)

    Try again.