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SoylentNews is people

posted by LaminatorX on Sunday June 01 2014, @12:57PM   Printer-friendly
from the As-in-Freedom dept.

The Guardian publishes a lengthy but well constructed essay of Eben Moglen, titled "Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy". It is one of the most insightful excursion into why privacy matters, why Snowden cannot be considered a traitor; has well picked examples from history; hints about what the civil society could do (my cynical note: if only it'd be interested) to reclaim privacy back. Granted, takes about an hour to read (and probably a lifetime to filter by first-hand experience: unfortunately not the kind of experience one would wish for).

(I dare not write a digest for SN, the essay is so coherent and round that I'm afraid any omission would damage its discourse. Can't do nothing but recommend it for reading: if you can't do on a working say, save the link for the weekend)

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  • (Score: 1) by Jeremiah Cornelius on Monday June 02 2014, @04:31AM

    by Jeremiah Cornelius (2785) on Monday June 02 2014, @04:31AM (#50077) Journal

    Drugs are the most profitable sector of the banking economy's "dark matter" universe. They will only ever be stopped or made legal, when it is more profitable for banks and their vassal governments to make this so.

    You're betting on the pantomime horse...
  • (Score: 1) by Wootery on Monday June 02 2014, @09:15AM

    by Wootery (2341) on Monday June 02 2014, @09:15AM (#50137)

    Wouldn't legalisation be good for the banks?

    I imagine there'd be much less in the way of money under the carpet.