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posted by n1 on Wednesday June 04 2014, @09:37AM   Printer-friendly
from the nothing-but-illegible-scribbles dept.

The NY Times asks does handwriting matter? The Common Core standards stop teaching handwriting after the first grade, preferring a proficiency in typing after that.

However, studies are showing that children learn faster, are able to retain more information, and generate new ideas when they first learn to write by hand. The process of thinking about how to form a letter and putting it on the page stimulates more areas of the brain. This come from the inherent messiness in free-form writing, which can be a valuable learning tool.

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  • (Score: 5, Interesting) by cmn32480 on Wednesday June 04 2014, @11:35AM

    by cmn32480 (443) <{cmn32480} {at} {}> on Wednesday June 04 2014, @11:35AM (#51035) Journal

    I disagree. Something of value IS lost.

    I receive Thank You notes from customers for help that we have given on a regular basis. The typed ones that come in via email are appreciated, but they get filed. The very few hand written ones that I get mean a lot more, and get hung on the bulletin board because somebody too the time to actually site down and write it.

    There is value there, and it is a shame that people seems to think it is a skill that can be thrown away.

    "It's a dog eat dog world, and I'm wearing Milkbone underwear" - Norm Peterson
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    Total Score:   5  
  • (Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 04 2014, @11:41AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 04 2014, @11:41AM (#51038)

    You treat a handwritten note as a proxy for kissing your ass? What a queer life you lead.

  • (Score: 2) by khchung on Wednesday June 04 2014, @12:44PM

    by khchung (457) on Wednesday June 04 2014, @12:44PM (#51064)

    I bet you would value it more if the "Thank You" were chiseled on a piece of rock or wood, but that doesn't mean it is a good idea to have EVERYONE spent a year or two in school to learn how to do it.

    Yes, there is value there, but is the value worth the time of every school child?

  • (Score: 2) by Leebert on Wednesday June 04 2014, @07:56PM

    by Leebert (3511) on Wednesday June 04 2014, @07:56PM (#51329)

    The very few hand written ones that I get mean a lot more

    I note that you said "hand written", not "written in cursive".

    A note can be hand written in print. I know; I've written a lot (including love letters!) in print.