Opioid commission's anti-marijuana argument stirs anger
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, head of the presidential commission on opioids, warned of the dangers of marijuana in a letter to President Donald Trump earlier this month about the panel's findings, saying the current push for marijuana legalization could further fuel the opioid epidemic.
"There is a lack of sophisticated outcome data on dose, potency, and abuse potential for marijuana. This mirrors the lack of data in the 1990s and early 2000s when opioid prescribing multiplied across health care settings and led to the current epidemic of abuse, misuse and addiction," Christie wrote in the letter, which was released with the commission's final report.
"The Commission urges that the same mistake is not made with the uninformed rush to put another drug legally on the market in the midst of an overdose epidemic."
[...] But some experts say the commission's fixation on marijuana was bizarre and troubling, lending credence to outdated views of marijuana as a gateway drug. And these experts want to nip such thinking in the bud.
They emphasized that they support efforts to curb the nation's opioid epidemic, but not the demonization of marijuana in the process.
"I was surprised to see negative language about marijuana in the opioid report," said Dr. Chinazo Cunningham, a professor of medicine at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. "Research that examines pain and marijuana shows that marijuana use significantly reduces pain. In addition, the majority of studies examining marijuana and opioids show that marijuana use is associated with less opioid use and less opioid-related deaths."
You had one job.
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(Score: 5, Interesting) by takyon on Thursday November 16 2017, @12:54PM (1 child)
Chris Christie: Does he have ties to the mob? Would his hypothetical mob friends prefer to see cannabis stay illegal?
Do any of the Commission members have ties to the cartels? By the time we figure it out, a lot more people will have died.
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 [soylentnews.org]
(Score: 3, Interesting) by PinkyGigglebrain on Thursday November 16 2017, @08:38PM
More likely Christie has ties to the pharmaceutical companies that make Oxycontin and the like. What has been reported in states that have legalized Cannabis is a drop in opioid addiction/use so big pharma would not want Cannabis legalized at the Federal level since it would really start to cut into their profits.
"Beware those who would deny you Knowledge, For in their hearts they dream themselves your Master."