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posted by martyb on Friday December 01 2017, @03:09PM   Printer-friendly
from the all-the-quicker-to-reach-your-data-cap dept.

Verizon will launch "5G" wireless service in three to five cities by the end of next year, starting with Sacramento, California:

Verizon is getting closer to releasing its first commercial 5G network, with the company announcing today that it plans on launching 5G in three to five cities by the end of next year. The rollout starts with Sacramento, California sometime in the second half of 2018.

Verizon press release.

Related: 5G Draft Technical Requirements Announced
Intel Announces Development of 5G Modems (Due in 2019)

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  • (Score: 5, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Friday December 01 2017, @03:17PM (6 children)

    by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Friday December 01 2017, @03:17PM (#603923) Journal

    To hell with the cities. Roll out the fiber. For that matter, just roll out the wire. Us people in the sticks* would like to catch up to 1990 USA, if not 2000 USA. Here you are working on 2020, and we're still putting along with internet that most third world countries would be ashamed of. Let's just get the OLD definition of "broadband" finished, before we start on the new definitions!!

    *What's that? You ask what "the sticks" means? I'm 140 miles from Little Rock, 180 miles from Dallas, and about 40 miles from Texarkana. Fort Smith is a three hour drive north, Shreveport Louisiana a two hour drive south. I'm at a major freaking CROSSROADS of the United States, and I can't get decent broadband! Oh yeah - flyover country. Screw all of you decision makers.

    A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
    • (Score: 5, Informative) by DannyB on Friday December 01 2017, @03:27PM

      by DannyB (5839) Subscriber Badge on Friday December 01 2017, @03:27PM (#603930) Journal

      You want something faster than dial up in the sticks? Do you realize who is in charge of the FCC right now?

      Sorry, due to new FCC deregulation, internet service is no longer available in your part of the city. To be notified if service becomes available in your area, enter your email address here.

      Police can legally stop you for having too much tent on your window.
    • (Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 01 2017, @04:43PM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 01 2017, @04:43PM (#603956)

      What's that? You ask what "the sticks" means?

      It's actually the Styx [], thimblewit. Yeesh! What the hell are they teaching kids these days?

    • (Score: 2) by DeathMonkey on Friday December 01 2017, @06:34PM

      by DeathMonkey (1380) on Friday December 01 2017, @06:34PM (#603996) Journal

      Us people in the sticks* would like to catch up to 1990 USA, if not 2000 USA.

      Then stop fellating that invisible hand and start acting like it.

    • (Score: 2) by forkazoo on Friday December 01 2017, @06:35PM

      by forkazoo (2561) on Friday December 01 2017, @06:35PM (#603997)

      "Fort Smith" and "Texarkana" probably aren't the best places to cite when billing yourself as being at a major hub.

    • (Score: 2) by Wootery on Saturday December 02 2017, @03:31PM

      by Wootery (2341) on Saturday December 02 2017, @03:31PM (#604298)

      No telco here in the UK is planning on rolling out 5G for a few years yet, which I completely agree with. I don't see the point in putting time and effort into 5G until 4G is consistently available, which it still isn't, on any of our four physical networks (EE, O2, Three, Vodafone).

      Fibre roll-out is making real progress, but we're not really there yet. I don't live out in the sticks so I get it easy; my home broadband is fine.

      Also, what will 5G really mean, anyway? I can already stream video to my phone. What good will more mobile bandwidth do me?

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 01 2017, @04:37PM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 01 2017, @04:37PM (#603954)

    In other news, by the end of 2018 Verizon will finally start giving customers in up to 5 cities the 4G they are already paying for. Film at 11. (Streamed in 3G, naturally)
