A recent article from Dzone highlighted how overwork can lead to Chronic stress. The workaholic nature of IT coupled with a culture that deems late night hacking a good thing can cause problems IT workers, and the list of systems lines up perfectly with many experienced coders.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 13 2014, @05:05PM
Can't speak for the blacksmith, but I can tell you that I do have a family (and did back when I burned out and went broke, which isn't good for a family in case you're wondering), and as a writer I knock down six digits in annual income.
My biggest love: all the new indie author options (Amazon rates a special mention).
My biggest gripe: Pelosicare's demented meddlings which invalidated my previous healthcare and left me with no good options. Fortunately, I'm sufficiently productive and well off to absorb the costs.
(Score: 2) by velex on Friday June 13 2014, @05:50PM
Questions if I may. How did you get started as a writer? Was it indie or through a traditional publisher?
What genre do you write? How often do you publish?
I'm considering this option and was interested by Amazon as well although I don't know enough yet to properly judge that option. I probably couldn't knock down six digits (won't know until I try though I guess) but it would be nice to have an additional source of income.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday June 13 2014, @06:17PM
Don't confuse writing with getting published. One is a prerequisite for the other, that's all.
I got started as a child. When I'm not creating, I itch. Then I twitch.
Publication: I started free, using blogs. I built exposure, and built my following. Ultimately, I published for money, all electronic, all indie.
I write in a couple. Classic fantasy. Near future dystopia. Hard science fiction. I try to get something new out once every six months, but that's more aspirational than a hard timetable. In a good year, I get three out the door.
Amazon has not done me wrong, but it's good to consider your options.
What helps you hit a living wage is exposure, and a tribe of people who know you, like you, and will reliably purchase what you put out. That, and a back catalogue so that new readers who find you will probably put a few bucks in your pocket at a time just to catch up on you.