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SoylentNews is people

posted by martyb on Wednesday January 31 2018, @09:53PM   Printer-friendly
from the voice-of-Jobs-experience dept.

Steve Wozniak spoke recently at the Nordic Business Forum in Stockholm. A clipping from the end of the short article,

After years of upgrades and new sensors, Woz sees Tesla as a company that has made major promises and delivered well under the bar. "I love that car, but the trouble is Elon Musk is portrayed in a lot of moves with a lack of faith and trust," he said. "What he says, can you really believe in him? Is he just a good salesman, like Jobs, and may not be there [in the end]?"

Wozniak went as far as to suggest that "every other car manufacturer in the world," including Audi and BMW, "are actually ahead of Tesla for self-driving cars." He then praised his Chevy Bolt EV, which he prefers to drive for everyday life.

It doesn't seem that long ago that Woz was calling out Toyota for problems with the cruise control on his Prius, but here's an update from 2010 --

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  • (Score: 2) by Phoenix666 on Thursday February 01 2018, @10:30AM

    by Phoenix666 (552) on Thursday February 01 2018, @10:30AM (#631409) Journal

    We have no idea, it wouldn't be the first time an Elon company sold things at a loss, hoping to make it up later on volume.

    That's a common tactic across many industries, so it's not quite the indictment I think you intended. For example, Gillette sells its 5-razor shavers at a loss, to make it up on the cartridges for that shaver later on.

    This 'underdog' has had help from all the big finance firms (GS, MS, DB for a start), Daimler, Samsung and Panasonic.

    He has also had a huge amount of help from national and local governments implementing policies that make his consumer products more attractive. Governments have done more to push other automakers to EV than Tesla and Elon.

    Again, that's ubiquitous. Large companies frequently have diversification strategies in their holdings, to protect investor returns from downturns in any particular area. I remember a conversation with an executive from GE who laughed at how silly it was on the face of it for them to buy and sell companies simply based on such a diversification strategy.

    Government has also played a role in other developments in transportation. The railroad tycoons were made almost entirely by government handouts in the form of concessions and land giveaways. It's aggravating that those policies also created the entitled rich who plague us today, but it has been useful for the country to have an extensive rail network to move around material.

    Me, I think it's also useful to us as a society to have electric cars instead of petroleum powered ones, not least because of environmental reasons. More than that, it's $365 billion dollars a year we send for the stuff to the Middle East and other players who are up to no good (TM), and which would be quite welcome to have reinvested here in myriad ways, perhaps in more wind farms and solar utilities that have been bringing new skills, families, and income to small communities in the Midwest and elsewhere that had been dying for 50 years.

    Washington DC delenda est.
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