Subscription can either be bought, or gifted to anyone. From the feedback we got, $20 USD per year (approximately $1.66 USD per month) would roughly be the right "sweet spot" for people.
Compared to the Other Site, the primary difference in subscriptions between us and them, is ours are time-based vs. usage based, and we're not offering early access to stories, or the +1 subscription pseudo-moderation. I thought fairly hard about this, and given the community feedback, simply because you do (or don't) pay for subscription does not make you a better or worse user. I also saw many people concerned that we were going to implement a "pay to post"-like system. Let me lay this down; we are NOT going to do this; this site exists for the community, and the principles I laid out in the manifesto clearly state "We will be the best site for independent, not-for-profit journalism on the internet, where ideas can be presented and free discussion can take place without external needs overshadowing the community." To require a user to go through a paywall, or have to financially contribute to this site to be an active proponent would fly in the face of that.How about for $10 you'll post an article of my choice clearly brightly identified as being sponsored by me and linked to my profile and comments are completely uncensored although any/all editors have full veto approval. $10 isn't high enough to push your moral/ethical boundaries (I hope) yet its high enough that "one" per day does add up to a couple grand per year, or the equivalent of thousands of subs. Would not want to see "ten" per day. "two" on a slow news day, eh maybe OK.
Sponsored content is something that has come up a few times in the past in discussing various revenue models. I'm not inherently against such a thing, but the other site fiddled with trying this, and essentially created a new form of slashverisment. Now, obviously with editorial and veto authority, we could limit such things, but I'm struggling to see what may get posted that we wouldn't already run. We could perhaps change the QA/Ask Soylent topic into "paid questions", and run those on occasion. I think the question to the broader community is, what forms of sponsored content would you like to be able to 1. purchase for yourself 2. be willing to tolerate.
My 2/100 of $1.00 USD by martyb
Separately, I like swag (especially coffee mugs). Make it limited edition by including the year or something in/on it. Maybe combine the two ideas? Pick your choice of swag and offer whatever donation you think it's worth.
Even better, offer a swag item that is unique to SN: a DVD or USB-stick which would boot up with a copy of the site as it now stands. For an extra 20%, it could even be autographed by the NCommander, himself. Soon to be a collector's item!
Swag is another good way we can raise money. I'd definitely be willing to create some sort of SN-on-a-stick w/ sanitized database which someone could purchase, stick in their computer, and pull up a local copy of SoylentNews in all its glory, as well as perhaps create some unique items (i.e., coffee cups, etc) available for sale. If its someone reasonable, I think we could look at selling it; ideas welcome below.
What About a Custom Slash Instance? by prospectacle
Who better to offer custom-slash-instance hosting?
While all users get a journal, paid users could get a virtualised slash instance, to run their own complete forum (a "super journal")
Bottom tier could have your own slash forum at A control panel could offer various simple customisations, such as colours, fonts, sidebar links, logos, etc.
More advanced (expensive) tiers could have more customisation options (use your own domain, control karma and mod-point settings, etc)
The most expensive tier would give the user a complete virtual machine with a full slash install, the ability to modify the slash source code (as well as use the simpler control-panel configurations), maybe a domain name is thrown in (chosen by the user, but organised and maintained by SN) or you can bring your own. Plus your own email/irc/wiki servers. Your "subscriber site" or whatever you would call it, could be linked to next to your name or sig, when posting to SN proper.
We've actually looked at doing something like this; there is partial support for this kind of functionality in slashcode already (the nexus feature, which is live on dev, and is pending a wildcard SSL cert before going live here. The intent is that once the feature was built out more, we could have a "sub-slash" system (conceptually similar to sub-reddits), in which users could follow various nexuses on any topic, and users could create their own (possibly paying a one-time cost to do so), either existing as, or perhaps with their own custom domain name.
Functionality wise, we're still quite a ways out from implementing this (most of the admin code would require re-factoring to make it fly), but it would allow users to create their own communities within SN, i.e., a community dedicated to DIY, or one dedicated to minecraft or gaming), each with its own staff overseeing it, and the ability to submit any article to the main page.
(Score: 4, Interesting) by Angry Jesus on Thursday June 26 2014, @04:30PM
I have a general rule about paying for premium access to sites with interaction between users: Forcing me to identify as a paying user means I won't pay. For two reasons:
(1) I don't want to advertise the fact that I can afford to pay. Even if it is just $20.
(2) It changes the way what you say is perceived online.
Some people think it's a good thing to single out paying members, that it "builds community" through leading by example. I see it as paying for prestige. I don't mind if other people choose to identify as having paid, in fact I will tend to judge what they write more negatively for being a braggart. Others might not agree and that is OK. Just as long as it is a choice.
(Score: 2) by NCommander on Thursday June 26 2014, @04:31PM
I believe the badge *can* be turned off, if not, that's pretty trivial to implement.
Still always moving
(Score: 2) by frojack on Thursday June 26 2014, @06:08PM
At times in the distant past I was subscribed to that Green site, had the little asterisk. Most people didn't have a clue what it meant, never got a comment about it, but I did receive comment/postings about early replies that their system offered, and which I occasionally took advantage of.
I certainly didn't have an objection to the asterisk, either on my own posts, or on others, but I decided not to use the early posting feature, so glad we are not planning to have that.
I disagree with you, AJ, about forced badging, (though not strongly).
Personally, I think if you support the site, it should be known, and suppressible badges are a subtle way of "one-upping" others that have badges. (Like ordering a beer at a table full of teatotalers, - there is always the slightest bit of awkwardness on all parties.)
Supporting the site means you want to support a platform for other people's opinions. (Even those you disagree with, and ACs). That's laudable, and should be visible. Long time contributors already have the badge of sorts (low three digit) ids. Subtly showing that the put their money where their mouth is seems a collective good.
I'm disappointed that you judges the messenger rather than the message, but I (grudgingly) respect your right to do so.
Are you sure you wouldn't be happier posting as an AC? Less chance to fall victim to your own stated biases.
No, you are mistaken. I've always had this sig.
(Score: 2) by Angry Jesus on Thursday June 26 2014, @06:13PM
> Are you sure you wouldn't be happier posting as an AC? Less chance to fall victim to your own stated biases.
I frequently do.
(Score: 1) by Ethanol-fueled on Thursday June 26 2014, @11:18PM
I was a longtime subscriber on the other site, even years after I came out of the closet as a professional troll. I was a paid subscriber because I really did enjoy and appreciate the site.
However, their implementation was flawed -- the ability to compose a karma-whoring comment or a troll relevant to the article before everybody else turned out to be a bad idea. It depended heavily on a skilled poster to start a conversation off with a good discussion-provoking comment rather than combative and/or offensive drivel designed to provoke mindless arguing. Similarly, being a subscriber (if I recall correctly) gave a karma bonus, giving a subscriber's trolls more visibility. My subscription perks including the asterisk were revoked prematurely after I paid for my final subscription, and I'm sure it was that Jew-bastard Timothy who was behind it. Buying another subscription didn't give me my asterisk back, likely for good reason.
For twenty bucks, Soylent News'd better offer a multitude of badges, and one of those had better look like a troll face.
(Score: 2) by VLM on Sunday June 29 2014, @02:41PM
First of all thats not an "asterisk" that's a UTF-8 goatse. If you can have your troll face and I can have my UTF-8 goatse someone else is going to ask for a tubgirl badge. And 2G1C. All the classics of modern internet art.