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posted by janrinok on Monday June 23 2014, @05:24PM   Printer-friendly
from the honey-we-have-a-problem dept.

They are among America's busiest workers but they've been declining sharply in recent years due to various factors, including pesticides, mite infestations and loss of genetic diversity. Now Faith Karimi writes at CNN that President Obama has created a task force to address the issue of rapidly diminishing honey bees and other pollinators. "The problem is serious and requires immediate attention to ensure the sustainability of our food production systems, avoid additional economic impact on the agricultural sector, and protect the health of the environment," Obama said in a memo was sent to Cabinet secretaries and agency heads.

Friends of the Earth says that the US needs to immediately ban the use of neonicotinoids, a class of pesticides chemically similar to nicotine that has been linked to bee deaths. "The administration should prevent the release and use of these toxic pesticides until determined safe," says Erich Pica whose organization is conducting a campaign and has collected more than half a million petition signatures asking Home Depot and Lowe's to stop selling plants treated with neonicotinoids (neonics). So why isn't the US moving more quickly to ban neonics? Neonics play "a major role in pest management for pest control, agriculture and the ornamental plant protection industries. They serve as a group of highly effective insecticides with low risk to people and birds, which can be applied systemically to the soil," notes a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension blogger. This is a safer, better pesticide than many alternatives.

Another reason to hold off on a ban: There are still doubts that neonics are the principal cause of bee colony collapse. "In other words, while neonics might be one of the precipitating causes, they might not be the principle cause of colony collapse disorder (CCD) in the US and Europe," says David Clark Scott. "Saving the honey bees may require a more complex solution than banning one group of insecticides. And it may require more investigation into other possible causes of CCD, including parasites, viruses, climate change, bee nutrition, lack of genetic diversity and bee keeping practices."

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  • (Score: 4, Interesting) by bradley13 on Monday June 23 2014, @05:46PM

    by bradley13 (3053) on Monday June 23 2014, @05:46PM (#59097) Homepage Journal

    Great, a presidential commission, that'll help.

    There is essentially only a single, heavily inbred species of bee that is used for pollination. The hives are transported all over the country in trucks, ensuring that diseases spread quickly and efficiently. More robust bees (that aren't quite as tame) are actively exterminated.

    A very simple solution would be to encourage local bee hives and a variety of bee types. At the national level, all that's going to happen is that lots of money will be wasted...

    Everyone is somebody else's weirdo.
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  • (Score: 4, Informative) by Runaway1956 on Monday June 23 2014, @06:11PM

    by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Monday June 23 2014, @06:11PM (#59105) Journal

    You have a good idea there - but there is a problem. It seems that no bees are safe from the stuff. I thought that I read something recently about carpenter bees being more immune than most other bees - but I can't find that again. But, "more immune" didn't translate into "immune" - it simply took more of the neonic to affect them.

    Basically, the neonics are capable of killing off all pollinators. We would gain nothing from allowing the honey bee monoculture to die off, if all other pollinators were killed off as well.

    Those bird species that pollinate flowers are also susceptible to neonics - primarily humming birds.

    “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 24 2014, @01:41AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 24 2014, @01:41AM (#59202)

      > I read something recently about carpenter bees being more immune than most other bees - but I can't find that again. But, "more immune" didn't translate into "immune" - it simply took more of the neonic to affect them.

      Probably because carpenter bees are big-ass mother-fuckers. I never even heard of them until I moved to the south and now I've got tons of them nesting in the wood on my dilapidated (and soon to be replaced) deck. They aren't really aggressive (the males are, but they don't have stingers, so it is all show). But I've hit them head on with bug spray that kills wasps in 30 seconds and these guys barely even notice.

      Downside of using carpenter bees as pollinators - they don't have hives, just solitary (and occasionally co-operative) nests with one female plus 10-20 babies.

  • (Score: 2) by Phoenix666 on Monday June 23 2014, @09:46PM

    by Phoenix666 (552) on Monday June 23 2014, @09:46PM (#59150) Journal

    Last time I visited my sister's family in central Montana I marvelled at how many farmers and ranchers had begun keeping bees. It seems they're being affected already. Since then I've been toying with the idea of building an apiary. I fear bees but having a ready supply of honey and not having to hand-pollinate my garden anymore would be great. It seems providing incentive for more people to keep bees might/would/could help.

    Have any Soylentils done this? What's the thumbnail sketch?

    Washington DC delenda est.
    • (Score: 2) by rancid on Monday June 23 2014, @11:01PM

      by rancid (4090) <{sabzi} {at} {}> on Monday June 23 2014, @11:01PM (#59164)

      Planting a bee garden [] is a good option too for those unable or unwilling to have their own hive.

    • (Score: 2, Interesting) by art guerrilla on Tuesday June 24 2014, @01:13AM

      by art guerrilla (3082) on Tuesday June 24 2014, @01:13AM (#59189)

      whoa, you hand-pollinate your garden, seriously ? ? ?
      well, you are living the future, mein gut freund...

      one of the things i've noticed on our humble 10 acres, is that the last couple years has been w-a-y down for spiders; we are usually CHOKING with webs of golden orb weavers and crab spiders, such that you need to carry a 'spider-stick' to brush away the webs every day when you walked the trails... now? so few, you don't really need a spider-stick... seems way low on mosquitoes, 'love-bugs', too, AND -perhaps not coincidentally- seems way low on anoles, blue-tailed skinks, i've seen ZERO toads this year, and very few snakes...
      i'm sure its all just a natural cycle...

      i mean, we've run this experiment on other 'control' earths and know how many PPM of Co2 and shit we can get away with, right ? ? ?
      ...right ? ? ?
      Norman, please explain...

    • (Score: 3, Interesting) by Reziac on Tuesday June 24 2014, @02:47AM

      by Reziac (2489) on Tuesday June 24 2014, @02:47AM (#59221) Homepage

      Honeybees as we know them were imported from Europe, mostly England. They are not native; they are an invasive species, and they displaced other species (and not only bees) that used to be North America's major pollinators.

      Montana (where I live) has relatively few bee-pollinated cash crops; most of our crops are wind-pollinated. The only major exception I can think of offhand are cherries up in the Flathead region.

      As to the beehives in Montana -- you'll see them every summer, when southern beekeepers truck their hives north, to where there are blooming plants for a lot more of the summer, so their bees can make honey longer. Cuz they can't do that in the southwest where after the spring rains, everything dries up. When I lived in SoCal, I worked for a beekeeper who did exactly that, every summer... trucked a load of bees to northern Montana for the summer. When his bees were in SoCal, their major income came not from honey, but from pollinating almond and orange orchards. (Outside of that, nearly all the honey was from buckwheat -- dark, strong, and the market is wholly overseas.)

      And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
      • (Score: 2) by dry on Tuesday June 24 2014, @03:49AM

        by dry (223) on Tuesday June 24 2014, @03:49AM (#59240) Journal

        I'd guess that Alfalfa is also an important crop in Montana, whether for cash or for the ranchers to feed their cattle and of course Alfalfa is pollinated by bees. Makes good honey as well.

        • (Score: 2) by Reziac on Tuesday June 24 2014, @04:17AM

          by Reziac (2489) on Tuesday June 24 2014, @04:17AM (#59243) Homepage

          It's getting to be more grass than alfalfa, far as I see in the fields and as hay for sale (likely a matter of the spike in energy prices making water expensive to pump -- alfalfa needs irrigation here). And there are all sorts of bugs that live on alfalfa and crawl into the blossoms. But more to the point, alfalfa isn't generally grown for seed, so outside of those few who do produce seed, no one cares if it "sets a crop".

          And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
          • (Score: 2) by dry on Tuesday June 24 2014, @05:58AM

            by dry (223) on Tuesday June 24 2014, @05:58AM (#59259) Journal

            Good point about not needing seed.

            • (Score: 2) by Reziac on Tuesday June 24 2014, @01:42PM

              by Reziac (2489) on Tuesday June 24 2014, @01:42PM (#59390) Homepage

              A specialty crop, being the seeds are tiny, and you can't exactly process 'em with a baler. Now that you mention it I'll have to look into that... it sets seeds randomly from first bloom til hard frost. They don't even mature at the same pace within a single flower head.

              The primary insects I see on alfalfa blooms are a very small black bee and one that looks like a tiny black earwig, both very plentiful in hot weather.

              And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
              • (Score: 2) by dry on Thursday June 26 2014, @04:29AM

                by dry (223) on Thursday June 26 2014, @04:29AM (#60218) Journal

                50 million kilos of alfalfa seed a year are produced in N. America so not that much of a specialty crop. Seems that alfalfa leaf miner bees were domesticated mostly for pollinating alfalfa, at least here in Canada and I'd guess the small bees you see are also a species of leaf miner bee. There are a lot of leaf miner bee species.

        • (Score: 2) by caseih on Tuesday June 24 2014, @05:29AM

          by caseih (2744) on Tuesday June 24 2014, @05:29AM (#59255)

          Except for seed production, most Alfalfa is cut for forage. The alfalfa that is for seed production is pollinated with bees brought in, rather than rely on local populations. Some honey bees, mostly leaf-cutter bees, just as with hybrid canola seed.

          • (Score: 2) by dry on Tuesday June 24 2014, @06:02AM

            by dry (223) on Tuesday June 24 2014, @06:02AM (#59260) Journal

            They bring in leaf cutter bees? Most Alfalfa fields I've seen have been full of honey bees. That was 30+ years ago and before the current bee problems

            • (Score: 2) by caseih on Thursday June 26 2014, @01:49AM

              by caseih (2744) on Thursday June 26 2014, @01:49AM (#60178)

              Mostly leaf-cutters these days. A whole industry here has sprung up mainly for canola seed production. But I understand they do use them for alfalfa quite a bit. Might have to try some alfalfa seed production sometime. It's a lot easier these days with top-kill herbicide. Instead of swathing, and then worrying about the windrows blowing away, we can spray Reglone and then combine it straight a week later. All without killing the alfalfa.

              • (Score: 2) by dry on Thursday June 26 2014, @04:23AM

                by dry (223) on Thursday June 26 2014, @04:23AM (#60214) Journal

                Interesting how the domestic leaf miners are handled and seems that they were mostly domesticated for Alfalfa seed production, at least here in Canada, [] and between the States and Canada we produce 50 million kilos a year of alfalfa seed.
                Never realized that desiccants such as Reglone were used so much in agriculture, hadn't even heard of it, I was at time a registered pesticide applicator (forestry) so familiar with many herbicides.

                • (Score: 2) by caseih on Monday June 30 2014, @01:21AM

                  by caseih (2744) on Monday June 30 2014, @01:21AM (#61765)

                  Yes. We use reglone to desiccate peas, beans, and sometimes Canola. And alfalfa seed, I understand. It works faster than RoundUp and leaves no residue, which is important for markets that have a zero tolerance for RoundUp residue on food. It's more than double the cost of RoundUp per acre but works well. I believe Reglone is used extensively in potatoes as well, to kill off the vines at harvest time to prevent the tubers from continuing to grow, while at the same time making sure they stay alive, which RoundUp wouldn't do. It's safer than roundup too, since a little herbicide drift won't kill established grasses, alfalfas, and trees.

      • (Score: 2) by Phoenix666 on Wednesday June 25 2014, @02:08AM

        by Phoenix666 (552) on Wednesday June 25 2014, @02:08AM (#59659) Journal

        Wow, informative reply, thanks! I assumed the hives were there to pollinate the alfalfa people grow in central Montana. I grew up in Kalispell and have been back frequently since I moved away for college; in all that time I can only recall ever seeing one bee hive, which was on the west side of Flathead lake near the cut across to Plains. Never saw any in the cherry orchards on the east side of the lake even. That's why I was so struck by the sight of so many on the road from Great Falls to Lewistown last year. I stopped counting after two score. I have never heard of anyone selling honey that was flavored with alfalfa (though I've heard plenty about honey from bees in Provence who frequent lavender fields, for example), so I surmised the hives were being brought in because they had become necessary. If it's true beekeepers truck them up from the Southwest perhaps the drought there is playing a role as well.

        Washington DC delenda est.
        • (Score: 2) by Reziac on Wednesday June 25 2014, @02:34AM

          by Reziac (2489) on Wednesday June 25 2014, @02:34AM (#59666) Homepage

          Yeah, the drought probably has a lot to do with it -- the beekeeper I worked for spent more of the summer in MT as the SoCal situation got drier. D'oh!! (And he's still doing it -- I saw his truck on the interstate last summer, somewhere down by Dillon and loaded with bees.)

          Could be there are enough wild bees (not just honeybees) and other insects to pollinate the cherry crop. As you know the Flathead doesn't lack for water, and when you've got plenty of water, there are always plenty of bugs!

          (I say, looking out the window at yet ANOTHER rainstorm... we've had, count them, six days since the snow stopped without at least a little rain. I grew up in Great Falls, but now I'm down by Three Forks, where it's usually nowhere near this wet, nor this many mosquitoes. I think I moved to Minnesota by mistake.)

          And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.