Secondly, as I said above, the dev VM is now publicly available. With this new development, anyone welcome to come by #dev, and join the dev team. Right now, very little exists as "hard documentation", so that's my next TODO. Until then, drop by chat to get access to knowledgeable gurus. During creation of the VM, I took detailed notes of how to go from nothing to working slashsite, which will form the basis of our INSTALL doc, and allow for those to build VMs from scratch. Due to stupidity, this initial VM requires a 64-bit capable processor; future VMs will be i386 compatible. The VM itself is running Ubuntu 12.04.4, and is a setup similar to the current production machines (sans varnish). If you want to dive in, fire up your BitTorrent app, and grab the torrent. Thanks to stderr for setting up the tracker and hosting the 980 MiB file. For those downloading the image, the SHA1 of the OVA file is bbafa7316bd28f23d0a5b386fca85429a2575db8. These files can be used with VirtualBox (use File -> Import Appliance to install it).
Finally, I wanted to close off with our stats from midnight last night to give you an idea of how much we've grown.
SoylentNews Stats for 2014-02-22 UIDs IPIDs Pages total: - - 415733 (12139.6 MB) static total: - - 29520 gstatic total: - - 40622 grand total: 2645 14672 427099 (12228.2 MB) secure total: - - 0 posts: 160 194 comments: 1722 5791 125373 (3027.2 MB) index: 2514 7861 69335 articles: 2168 9722 68243 (3762.6 MB) search: 668 1823 5798 (109.2 MB) journals: 969 1804 6442 (124.0 MB) users: 1982 2975 24588 (423.7 MB) rss: 167 562 11366 (88.6 MB) other: 43 52 2086 (37.0 MB) formkeys: 837 rows total comments: 397 posted yesterday submissions: 14 submissions sub/comments: 57.1% of the submissions came from comment posters from this day errors: 377 pages logged 5xx errors not found: 49265 pages sent with status 404 (not found) total hits: 1486073 ------------------------ Yesterday | 2 days ago | 3 days ago Avg Hits Per Article: 4874.5| 4316.4| 2908.0 Avg Comments Per Article: 21.9| 36.3| 52.9 Pages From RSS By Section ------------------------------------------------ Section Pages UIDS IPIDS Main Page 5866 161 858 For Main Page Pages IPs Bandwidth Users total: 415733 14572 12139.6 MB 2645 index: 69335 7861 3182.0 MB 2514 comments: 125373 5791 3027.2 MB 1722 articles: 68243 9722 3762.6 MB 2168 search: 5798 1823 109.2 MB 668 rss: 11366 562 88.6 MB 167 other: 2086 52 37.0 MB 2645 ----------------------- Top stories viewed by 2615 14/02/17/0148235 Dopefish Welcome to the World of Tomorr 1944 14/02/17/1745207 mattie_p What "News for Nerds" Sites Sh 1842 14/02/20/1936232 LaminatorX What Have We Created? 1840 14/02/19/1546248 mattie_p Interview: Ask SoylentNews Sta 1804 14/02/18/0724232 NCommander End of Day 1: Systems Update 1394 14/02/19/049242 LaminatorX Windows 8 Designer Explains Wh 1187 14/02/21/0451249 LaminatorX Being hacked while writing The 1184 14/02/20/2132253 mattie_p DuckDuckGo Is Google's Tiniest 1168 14/02/12/0715245 NCommander Welcome to SoylentNews! 1141 14/02/20/031231 Dopefish Linux Security, Red Hat and Sy 1118 14/02/19/0629205 Dopefish Android 4.4 Disables SD Card A 1069 14/02/18/1748232 mattie_p Technology Ruining Olympics 1055 14/02/20/2314225 mattie_p ISPs Throttling NetFlix Traffi 960 14/02/16/1331209 NCommander Massive Site Progress - Status 956 14/02/20/156202 LaminatorX One-Way Trip to Mars Prohibite 935 14/02/20/0335216 Dopefish Facebook to Buy WhatsApp for 1 903 14/02/20/0855246 Dopefish Modder Fixes What Bethesda Cou 889 14/02/19/0552253 mattie_p Where We Go From Here 888 14/02/16/2220240 NCommander Announcing UTF-8 Support on So 883 14/02/17/2244238 mattie_p W3C Considers DRM in HTML Stan 869 14/02/18/0336229 Dopefish Gabe Newell Responds to DNS Sn 855 14/02/18/1357210 LaminatorX India Goes to Mars for Less Th 835 14/02/17/0745210 Dopefish Environmentalists Concerned Ab 826 14/02/17/2321218 NCommander Quick Notes From Behind The Sc 811 14/02/19/0648238 Dopefish White House Responds to Net Ne ----------------------- Top referers: 16666 375 306 199 121 117 90 83 70 62 62 54 42 42 39 39 38 29 29 28 ----------------------- Error count by Page: Page Status Count ----------------------- Hour Hits Hits/sec 00 16953 4.71 ######################### 01 16479 4.58 ######################### 02 17130 4.76 ########################## 03 15009 4.17 ###################### 04 13192 3.66 #################### 05 14016 3.89 ##################### 06 15453 4.29 ####################### 07 15139 4.21 ####################### 08 15126 4.20 ###################### 09 14046 3.90 ##################### 10 14202 3.94 ##################### 11 14486 4.02 ###################### 12 16128 4.48 ######################## 13 17713 4.92 ########################## 14 19463 5.41 ############################# 15 20168 5.60 ############################## 16 20806 5.78 ############################### 17 21094 5.86 ################################ 18 26323 7.31 ######################################## 19 20509 5.70 ############################### 20 21477 5.97 ################################ 21 21782 6.05 ################################# 22 20179 5.61 ############################## 23 20226 5.62 ############################## ----------------------- group 4421: Bugs: 790 open; 4607 total Feature Requests: 160 open; 623 total Patches: 10 open; 112 total
Until the next time, this is NCommander, signing off ...
(Score: 1) by nightsky30 on Monday February 24 2014, @12:49PM
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