[...] "We are literally embedding a compliance department of our choosing into the company to monitor it going forward. They will pay for those people, but the people will report to the new chairman," Ross said in a "Squawk Box" interview.
ZTE's latest brush with U.S. regulators came after the company's business dealings with Iran and North Korea violated U.S. trade agreements. ZTE paid $1.19 billion in fines for those violations, but the dispute didn't end there. The Commerce Department then alleged that ZTE misled regulators and failed to discipline the employees responsible for the sanction breach.
The settlement deal includes $400 million in escrow to cover any future violations as well as requiring ZTE to change its board of directors and executive team in 30 days.
[...] In response to the announced deal, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Thursday in a statement, "When it comes to China, despite [Trump's] tough talk, this deal with ZTE proves the president just shoots blanks."
Also at ZTE will pay $1 billion fine to beat US export ban
-- submitted from IRC
(Score: 4, Insightful) by linkdude64 on Saturday June 09 2018, @08:59AM (8 children)
Right, as if Shillary or Obama would have taken a hard-line stance against China with both of them being in bed together, and the Clintons together being largely responsible for China becoming what it has. Die in a fire, Cryin' Chuck Schumer.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by Pslytely Psycho on Saturday June 09 2018, @09:57AM (7 children)
Whataboutism at its finest. Seriously, every time Trump does something stupid, all we hear is: Whatabout (Hillary, Obama, Bill C,). Remember, the China shit started with Nixon. As Spock said, quoting an old Vulcan proverb: "Only Nixon could go to China." Although Regan did as well, And the Chinese loved the Bush's. So we have Nixon, Ford, Carter, Regan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama and now Trump, who have all failed to rein in China, and many who promoted China becoming what it is.
Spare me the false outrage.
Alex Jones lawyer inspires new TV series: CSI Moron Division.
(Score: 4, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 09 2018, @10:29AM (3 children)
It is only due to the Trump presidency that we were able to discover:
1. national security letters
2. FISA warrant
3. unmasking
4. undercover agent
5. use of Five Eyes to evade US law
Well shit. Next thing you know, we'll find out that Obama sent people to break into a building and then covered it up and had a recording erased. That would only be another 1% additional badness.
Nixon does look respectable now!
For details:
https://www.theepochtimes.com/the-five-methods-obama-officials-used-to-spy-on-the-trump-campaign_2544292.html [theepochtimes.com]
(Score: 3, Insightful) by Sulla on Saturday June 09 2018, @10:33AM (1 child)
Evidently both parties want the same thing, control. We have had decades of each party foisting more and more power on the executive because they can trust their own guy with the extra power. Back around the Drone filibuster Democrats said the power to kill anyone overseas being in Obamas hands was fine because he wouldnt abuse it, Reps do the same thing on other issues. Finally we have someone outside the traditional party structure in the executive and the parties are realizing the risk of so much power in the hands of so few.
Ceterum censeo Sinae esse delendam
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 09 2018, @05:51PM
The thing is, mass media has become unbalanced and unhinged. Some say it is because it is dying and latching out to outrage is the last grasp of a drowning industry, but over the last 10 years nobody can claim that media doesn't have a leftist bias.
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 10 2018, @03:28PM
Yeah... about that. None of those things were secrets. I mean we've been talking about that kind of stuff for 2 decades on slashdot.
The problem with all of those things are the potential for abuse. And what trump's done is made a showcase of them when they were used legitimately.
If you think that's going to reign in abuses in the future, I've got a trump tower in Azerbaijan [straitstimes.com] to sell you. The fact that all of these national security tactics were used on a legitimate security threat is going to validate them in the minds of people who would ordinarily be skeptical. He is single-handedly going to decimate opposition to the surveillance state.
When you throw in with a narccisistic sociopath, you give up your soul to them. If you legit cared about privacy and government over-reach, well you've just scarified those principles on the altar of your orange god. ETTD
(Score: 4, Insightful) by linkdude64 on Saturday June 09 2018, @02:35PM (2 children)
"Everytime Trump does something stupid"
How is him fining ZTE a billion dollars stupid, and where did I say that? To me this is Trump's cabinet doing something very positive by enforcing sanctions.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by frojack on Saturday June 09 2018, @06:11PM (1 child)
Starting in the Obama administration, ZET was said to be a National security risk, and Homeland Security lead the charge to get them banned.
(I've been suspicious of this all along.) Nowhere was any specific or actual risk shown, leaked, or demonstrated.
Suddenly we find out it was all about patents and royalties, and there never was any National Security angle to this whole brouhaha.
It was all about money, and cheating on royalty payments, and chip imports, and stuff. (Possibly bribes paid or delinquent).
Why did Obama find it necessary to feign a national security issue for a mere patent issue? They had no problem granting Apple import bans on certain samsung phones over the years.
Even weirder, Why did the Trump administration continue with this bogus national security issue nonsense right up to the point they revealed it to be all about money?
I wonder if some Deep State entrenched interests still blowing the national security horn, hoping to get ZTE to cave - and Trump's people found out it was all a scam.
Personally, I suspect ZTE find a replacement chip set for the Qualcomm patents they were forbidden to purchase. [theverge.com] This Caused Qualcomm to suddenly realize they were going to lose a huge market. (Hence the "$400 million in escrow to cover any future violations" is nothing but a license to steal for a couple year. None of that money is going to Qualcomm. Maybe to Obama cronies.)
And the sweetener in that arrangement for Qualcomm is that China agreed to allow Qualcomm to buy/merge NXP. [investors.com]
But NOBODY is talking National Security Issues any more.
The whole thing stinks like yesterday's fish.
No, you are mistaken. I've always had this sig.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 10 2018, @01:05PM
Maybe in your delusional world, but not the real world. Warnings about government control over chinese manufacturers are all over the place, not just the USA either. [ft.com]
Meanwhile your boy just declared that canadian milk is a national security threat requiring massive tarrifs to counteract.
It sure does. Just not even close to the way you've deluded yourself into thinking it does.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 09 2018, @10:30AM (10 children)
Good to see China crushing Drumph when it comes to negotiation. Honestly insulting to every American how bad he is at this kind of thing after watching the last extremely successful eight years of obama taking on foreign companies hurting Americans. How much did ZTE pay Ivanka so they could get off with such a small slap on the wirst. #impeach #notmypresident
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 09 2018, @11:38AM
Hey, Bill Clinton got impeached too.
(Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Saturday June 09 2018, @03:25PM (5 children)
You must be reading a lot of that fake news crap, from cnn/msnbc/abc/etc. I'm not going to claim that Trump is kicking ass in negotiations - but Kim il Dingdong? No one, Republican or Democrat, has been anywhere near a peace solution with North Korea in my lifetime. I don't think Trump is being crushed, certainly not by mainstream media.
A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 10 2018, @01:12PM (4 children)
More trump guzzling. Nothing that's happening with KJU is about trump. Its 100% on President Moon who has been preparing for peace his entire professional career and was finally able to drive the process after the entire right-wing imploded when their cultist president was impeached, And the south koreans know it, where Moon has a 75% approval rating and trump has a 30% approval rating, tied with KJU.
(Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Sunday June 10 2018, @01:36PM (3 children)
You may, or may not, have something there. In other discussions, I have asked why Lil Kim wants peace now. I've drawn no replies - certainly nothing meaningful. I speculated in one thread that Kim's nuclear test range collapsing could be driving it.
So, I have no response to SK's huge scandal and party collapse. Maybe that is the driving force.
The fact remains, Kim is talking to Trump. He isn't talking to the South, alone. Kim isn't talking to China. Kim isn't talking to Russia. The historic thing is going to be Kim and Trump. If the talks are fruitful, Trump will soon be eclipsed with the developing relations between North and South, and between North and China. But for always and forever, Trump and Kim will be recorded as ending tensions on the peninsula together.
Trump guzzling, you said? Maybe you've confused me with a Trump supporter?
A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
(Score: 3, Interesting) by Joe Desertrat on Sunday June 10 2018, @09:34PM (2 children)
What is driving the "peace" talks is desperation on the part of Kim. North Korea is and has been in a bad way, with a large part of their population struggling to get enough basic necessities to live. Even the military has been going short, which makes Kim's grip on power much more tenuous. I suspect most of the missile shows and nuclear posturing are to have negotiating points. They know if they ever use those things for real they will be obliterated. I cannot see unification happening in our lifetime, the South Koreans have little to gain economically and if Kim insists on retaining any power, little to gain security wise either. Kim probably wants Trump along to negate the negotiating edge the South Koreans have, Trump's unwillingness to share credit or the spotlight means whatever he becomes convinced is the way to go will be pushed, and if the talks fail because that is an untenable position for the South Koreans, Kim will claim he tried to negotiate in good faith and can you pretty please lift the sanctions. At best, we'll end up back at the way things were in 2000, before Bush soured the little progress made with his "Axis of Evil" nonsense.
(Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Sunday June 10 2018, @11:06PM (1 child)
That all sounds good - BUT. North Korea has had documented starvation, almost annually, for a long, long time. It has never seemed to matter to the Kims how many thousands, or maybe tens of thousands, of villagers drop dead during the winter. Are you saying that the problem has got significantly worse, in recent years? If that be so, I have to wonder why MSM hasn't covered it.
Alright, a search for North Korea and starvation gives a number of hits. I guess it's been reported on pretty regularly, but without attention grabbing headlines.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2624164/North-Korea-Starving-people-child-labourers-dilapidated-homes-appear-harrowing-new-images-taken-inside-rogue-state.html [dailymail.co.uk]
A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
(Score: 2) by Joe Desertrat on Monday June 11 2018, @08:43PM
As I mentioned, the military has been going short as well, which is the only support that matters for Kim.
(Score: 4, Funny) by frojack on Saturday June 09 2018, @06:13PM (1 child)
How much did ZTE pay Obama all those years?
ZTE stopped paying royalties when the saw Obama not being around any more, so the Obama administration started the National Security scare mongering.
Obama, when fully unraveled will prove to be the most Corrupt president we've ever had.
No, you are mistaken. I've always had this sig.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 10 2018, @01:19PM
What is wrong with you man? Has trump pushed you so far off the cliff of sanity that you now reflexively assume that thus utter fucking dumpster fire of a kleptocracy is just the same as what's come before? This is banana republic levels of corruption here. You are sleepwalking into an american twilight WAKE THE FUCK UP.
(Score: 2) by stretch611 on Saturday June 09 2018, @06:34PM
Well, you just have to realize what Trump got out of this...
Trump announced letting ZTE off the hook 2 days after China agreed to financial backing of a $1 Billion investment in a Indonesian property development. Of course, that property development includes Trump-branded hotels, residences and a golf course. ( http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/2145808/trump-indonesia-project-latest-stop-chinas-belt-and-road [scmp.com] )
As for paying Ivanka... no payment at all... unless you consider the trademarks her company has received from the Chinese government at the same time. Of course, I am sure that it is her wonderful business acumen, after all, its not like it is notoriously difficult for westerners to get trademarks in China. /s
Now with 5 covid vaccine shots/boosters altering my DNA :P
(Score: 4, Interesting) by JoeMerchant on Saturday June 09 2018, @12:06PM (2 children)
$1B is a small win today, what are the implications down the road?
If they can give that teeth and make it stick, that's the real progress: Transparency.
One of the hidden virtues of cryptocurrency is: Transparency.
When everyone is able to track and prove what is going on, we can transcend this "diplomatic lie" bullshit that has been distant human relationships forever.
🌻🌻 [google.com]
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday June 09 2018, @01:00PM
Likely they won't actually pay it
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 10 2018, @01:15PM
Lolwut? Cryptocurrency won't tell you jackshit about spytech embedded in a company's hardware.
how the fuck did you get modded up for that bullshit?