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posted by mrpg on Saturday July 21 2018, @01:07PM   Printer-friendly
from the moo dept.

Soon, your soy milk may not be called 'milk'

Soy and almond drinks that bill themselves as "milk" may need to consider alternative language after a top regulator suggested the agency may start cracking down on use of the term.

The Food and Drug Administration signaled plans to start enforcing a federal standard that defines "milk" as coming from the "milking of one or more healthy cows." That would be a change for the agency, which has not aggressively gone after the proliferation of plant-based drinks labeled as "milk."

FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb talked about the plans this week, noting there are hundreds of federal "standards of identity" spelling out how foods with various names need to be manufactured.

"The question becomes, have we been enforcing our own standard of identity," Gottlieb said about "milk" at the Politico event Tuesday. "The answer is probably not."

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 21 2018, @04:08PM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday July 21 2018, @04:08PM (#710463)

    I really don't understand the vegan milk/cheese/bacon/sausage/burger brigade - I get why you might want to not eat animal products, but not why you would then want to eat food that is named the same as animal products.

    Because many people are vegans/vegetarians for ethical reasons. Fake meat and so on do not pose an issue for them.

  • (Score: 2) by acid andy on Saturday July 21 2018, @04:49PM

    by acid andy (1683) on Saturday July 21 2018, @04:49PM (#710479) Homepage Journal

    Actually, there's something I forgot to add, and it was more or less the opposite of what you just said.

    It was that I suspect that most of the vegans that want to eat imitation meats just adopted it as a fad diet, where they still desire meat to eat but attempt to avoid it with the aim of losing weight or improving their health.

    Good job this isn't Hacker News -- that place seems to be full of fad dieters for some reason!

    I'm not saying that ditching or reducing your consumption of animal products can't be a healthier option, just that there are a lot of dieters that blindly follow trends without really understanding any of the science behind a diet.

    Welcome to Edgeways. Words should apply in advance as spaces are highly limite—
  • (Score: 2) by looorg on Saturday July 21 2018, @08:53PM

    by looorg (578) on Saturday July 21 2018, @08:53PM (#710562)

    Because many people are vegans/vegetarians for ethical reasons. Fake meat and so on do not pose an issue for them.

    But why can't they call it what it is then? Soy-milk or Quorn-meat (or whatever that mushroom thing is called/spelled again). Fake products should note and acknowledge their "fakeness" so it isn't confused or mixed up with the real product.