The Hugo awards, being the favorite they are with SN readers, are out again!
As posted at The Vox.
The first-ever threepeat of the Hugo Awards — the prestigious, long-running fantasy awards handed out annually at WorldCon — just issued a giant rejection of right-wing gatekeeping in the struggle to diversify the world of science fiction and fantasy writing.
N.K. Jemisin's groundbreaking fantasy series the Broken Earth trilogy has won critical acclaim, been optioned for development as a TV series, and received numerous accolades from the sci-fi and fantasy community. And on August 19, it achieved yet another milestone when Jemisin became the first author in the Hugos' 65-year history to win back-to-back awards for every book in a trilogy. Jemisin won the award for Best Novel three years in a row, starting with The Fifth Season in 2016, The Obelisk Gate in 2017, and now The Stone Sky in 2018.
Meanwhile, The Verge reports:
The 2018 Hugo Awards were held last night at the World Science Fiction Convention in San Jose, California. The Hugo award, voted on by members of the fan community, is considered the highest honor for science fiction and fantasy literature.
Like the previous couple of years, women almost completely swept the awards. N.K. Jemisin took home the top honor for The Stone Sky, the third installment of her Broken Earth trilogy. Other winners include Martha Wells for her first Murderbot novella All Systems Red, Suzanne Palmer for her novelette “The Secret Life of Bots,” and Rebecca Roanhorse for her short story “Welcome to your Authentic Indian Experience™.” (Roanhorse also took home the John W. Campbell Jr. Award for Best New Writer.)
Jemisin’s win gives her a history-making hat trick: she’s won the top award for each Broken Earth installment, the first two having been for The Fifth Season and The Obelisk Gate. It’s a significant achievement, earned for Jemisin’s groundbreaking writing, blending of genres, and outstanding storytelling.
The complete list of nominees can be found in The Verge's story. Additional reporting can be found at the Guardian, on, and elsewhere.
(Score: 4, Insightful) by VLM on Wednesday August 22 2018, @09:42PM (9 children)
That's the fundamental problem with the Hugo... its implied to be a selection of highest quality, but by merely being the most politically correct from a far left perspective, all it selects for is crappy stuff from the non-white-est non-males. I'm sure the authors are VERY impressively non-white and VERY impressively non-male, but seeing as there was no selecting for their output, their output is quite mediocre.
Being anti-white and anti-male has historically not been a winning strategy; its not looking like a winning strategy for the future either.
(Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 22 2018, @10:20PM (5 children)
*Whine whine crazy anti-liberal lizard person rant*
Sorry was there some actual content buried in your commentary?
(Score: 4, Informative) by Spamalope on Thursday August 23 2018, @01:03AM (4 children)
I'm sorry was there content in your ad hominem?
VLM's opinion that ranking based on ideology doesn't yield the best stories isn't flame bait. Denigrating the Hugos by giving asshole * awards based on ideology was a move by the staff that ran the awards name threw the dirt and the event that made me look into the controversy.
The controversy basically boils down to an accusation that Tor was organizing ballot slates to pick a winner, and that discrimination based on age/political belief/gender/race was occurring. The resulting behavior indicated ballot tampering/block voting had been happening, and tended to confirm that the accusations of discrimination had merit. The ensuing events imploded the remaining broad prestige of the awards leaving it as an in-group award wearing the name of a former genre wide award.
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 23 2018, @04:13AM (3 children)
Got some evidence to confirm any of that? Everything I read points to the Hugos being incredibly transparent. This [] is a pretty good breakdown which makes me think you forgot to apply Occam's razor.
The content of my ad-hominem WAS the ad-hominem, that is about all VLM ever deserves except for the odd bit of tech knowledge here and there. Per usual we have the alt-righters attacking people because their own ideology is in the minority, and they have good company with suckers like you. THAT is why VLM deserves nothing but scorn, all he ever seems to have is rabid anti-liberal paranoia.
(Score: 2, Insightful) by khallow on Thursday August 23 2018, @04:38AM (2 children)
Then, for example, you should be able to tell us who voted for what, right?
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 23 2018, @03:30PM (1 child)
Im not the one leveling accusations you disingenuos twat.
(Score: 1) by khallow on Friday August 24 2018, @04:24AM
(Score: 2) by hendrikboom on Thursday August 23 2018, @03:25PM (2 children)
The majority of people in the world are not white males.
(Score: 2) by realDonaldTrump on Thursday August 23 2018, @06:48PM
That depends on what you mean by people. Our Founding Fathers had some brilliant ideas about that one!!!
(Score: 2) by VLM on Friday August 24 2018, @06:08PM
Agreed, but the demographics of people who voluntarily read English language science fiction have very little in common with the demographics of the world.