Senior Google Scientist Resigns Over "Forfeiture of Our Values" in China
A senior Google research scientist has quit the company in protest over its plan to launch a censored version of its search engine in China.
Jack Poulson worked for Google's research and machine intelligence department, where he was focused on improving the accuracy of the company's search systems. In early August, Poulson raised concerns with his managers at Google after The Intercept revealed that the internet giant was secretly developing a Chinese search app for Android devices. The search system, code-named Dragonfly, was designed to remove content that China's authoritarian government views as sensitive, such as information about political dissidents, free speech, democracy, human rights, and peaceful protest.
After entering into discussions with his bosses, Poulson decided in mid-August that he could no longer work for Google. He tendered his resignation and his last day at the company was August 31.
He told The Intercept in an interview that he believes he is one of about five of the company's employees to resign over Dragonfly. He felt it was his "ethical responsibility to resign in protest of the forfeiture of our public human rights commitments," he said.
Poulson, who was previously an assistant professor at Stanford University's department of mathematics, said he believed that the China plan had violated Google's artificial intelligence principles, which state that the company will not design or deploy technologies "whose purpose contravenes widely accepted principles of international law and human rights."
He said that he was concerned not just about the censorship itself, but also the ramifications of hosting customer data on the Chinese mainland, where it would be accessible to Chinese security agencies that are well-known for targeting political activists and journalists.
In his resignation letter, Poulson told his bosses: "Due to my conviction that dissent is fundamental to functioning democracies, I am forced to resign in order to avoid contributing to, or profiting from, the erosion of protection for dissidents."
"I view our intent to capitulate to censorship and surveillance demands in exchange for access to the Chinese market as a forfeiture of our values and governmental negotiating position across the globe," he wrote, adding: "There is an all-too-real possibility that other nations will attempt to leverage our actions in China in order to demand our compliance with their security demands."
Are the ~5 resignations indicative of fierce internal opposition or beleaguered acquiescence within Google?
Previously: Google Plans to Launch Censored Search Engine in China, Leaked Documents Reveal
Uproar at Google after News of Censored China Search App Breaks
Related: About a Dozen Google Employees Have Resigned Over Project Maven
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(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 14 2018, @05:17PM (3 children)
Here is the relevant quote for you
So it didn't have to be inciting actual violence. Passing personal info to doxx people is quite common amongst that crowd, along with harassing users and brigading in other subreddits to draw attention to themselves. I don't much care for Reddit, but as a massively popular website I 100% understand why they would go this route. Not only to promote a better community but also to prevent future liability.
Whine about hypocrisy all you want, but I'll take a page from Uggo's book and say "tits or GTFO".
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 14 2018, @05:47PM (2 children)
Who is "that crowd"? "That crowd" is obsessed with false flags, literally everything is a false flag to them. They considered telling people not to do anything that looked like inciting violence, doxing, etc defending against a false flag and were quick to accuse anyone who tried as a false flagger. I've never seen a community more actively against that stuff.
The point is anyone can join any reddit community and start doing this to get it banned... reddit has basically opened themselves up to a form of swatting. Unless the mods werent deleting those posts, or dealing with the issue in whatever way they are expected to, then there's no reason to blame the subreddit.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 14 2018, @06:20PM (1 child)
The angry white males crowd that tend to populate such places. Since I never frequented the subreddit myself I can not speak from authority just statistical likelihood. Trump defenders tend to have a very narrow demographic.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 14 2018, @06:33PM
Seemed to be a lot of "older" (40+) women actually. Actually the only "Q person" I have ever met in person was an older woman.