*Updated: Mr. Guillot AKA yankprintster (4225) responded and is interested in answering some questions. Ask him your questions below in the comments*
B.J. Guillot is one of three candidates currently seeking to represent Washington's 2nd Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Mr. Guillot is also a reader of SoylentNews. In a recent interview with CoinTelegraph about his enthusiastic support of cryptocurrency, Mr. Guillot was asked "When did you first hear about Bitcoin, and when did you get into it?" He explains that he got turned on to Bitcoin while reading a certain news for nerds site, and then mentions:
Since I have the floor, let me just state for the record, the new Slashdot web design and user experience is really poor. I've since moved on to SoylentNews.org for my daily science and tech news.
Perhaps Mr. Guillot would be kind enough to answer a few questions about his positions on topics of particular concern to the SN community. I invite him to answer directly in the comments below, or if he would prefer, I will collect and forward the highest-modded comments to Mr. Guillot, and then submit a new story with his responses.
According to his campaign website, Mr. Guillot holds a B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics, and has software development experience.
The Crypto Crimson reports that while many politicians are "quick to jump on the bitcoin bandwagon" following the U.S. Federal Election Commission's recent opinon declaring that political committes may accept contributions in the form of Bitcoin, unlike these other politicians, Mr. Guillot is an active miner who "currently achiev[es] a hashrate of five Terahash per Second - certainly the fastest bitcoin mining politician".
The top item to appear in the "Issues" section of Mr. Guillot's campaign website is "NSA Spying". Mr. Guillot's stated positon on this issue is: "The Federal Government needs to immediately stop its spying and metadata collection of its citizen's phone calls and emails. It's also time to discontinue the Patriot Act. No more extensions!".
On his campaign website, Mr. Guillot also states his positions on: "Internet Freedom", "Patent Reform", "Bitcoin", "National Debt", "FairTax", "Military", "Second Amendment", "Energy", and "Education".
(Score: 1) by No.Limit on Tuesday July 08 2014, @12:31PM
Dear Mr. Guillot,
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to answer the questions and I hope I'm not too late with mine:
Currently I'm quite interested in the theory that the US (and possibly many more countries) is an oligarchy. As I'm trying to form an educated opinion about this matter I've come across the difficulty that it's hard to find reliable information. I hope you can help me with your insights:
- What do you think about this theory and what's your opinion on it?
- Have you ever experienced someone with enough power/influence to be considered an oligarch?, if yes, how was it, in particular how was that person?, did they realize that they're in a position with much more influence than others?
- Do you think there are changes necessary to the system to avoid this situation and what would you suggest if so?
Thanks again and all the best with the elections!
(Score: 2) by tangomargarine on Tuesday July 08 2014, @02:53PM
It strikes me that oligarchy vs. republic is just a question of numbers. With a strict approach, one could argue that the U.S. is an oligarchy anyway without even addressing the question by calling the president, vice president, leaders of each house of legislature, and the Supreme Court justices "in charge." That's just 13 people.
"Is that really true?" "I just spent the last hour telling you to think for yourself! Didn't you hear anything I said?"