We had submissions from two Soylentils on this story.
3-D Printed Gun Promoter, Cody Wilson, Is Charged With Sexual Assault of Child (archive)
Cody Wilson, whose push to post blueprints for 3-D printed guns online has made him a key figure in the national gun control debate, was charged on Wednesday with sexually assaulting a child in Texas.
But law enforcement officers said they were having trouble finding Mr. Wilson, who missed a flight back to the United States from Taipei, Taiwan, his last known location. During a news conference on Wednesday, Cmdr. Troy Officer of the Austin Police Department said that a warrant had been filed for Mr. Wilson's arrest and that local detectives were working with national and international partners to find him.
Mr. Wilson, 30, is accused of having sex with a 16-year-old girl at a hotel in Austin on Aug. 15 and paying her $500 in cash, according to an affidavit filed in Travis County. The girl told the police that she had met Mr. Wilson through the website SugarDaddyMeet.com, where he was using the screen name "Sanjuro," the affidavit says.
[...] She and Mr. Wilson, who identified himself to the girl, exchanged phone numbers and then continued messaging each other, sharing at least one explicit photo apiece, according to the affidavit. During one conversation, Mr. Wilson described himself as a "big deal," the affidavit says.
[...] Neither Mr. Wilson nor his lawyer in the sexual assault case responded to a request for comment. The Austin police said a friend of the victim had told Mr. Wilson before he left for Taiwan that he was under investigation.
Taiwan does not have an extradition treaty with the United States.
Looks like someone else will have to take on the job of defending file sharing in court.
Previously: [Updated] Defense Distributed Releasing Gun Plans, President Trump "Looking Into" It
Federal Judge Imposes Preliminary Injunction Against Defense Distributed's DEFCAD
3D Gun File Downloads Blocked; Selling Begins Instead
From the Washington Post come this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/09/19/d-gun-entrepreneur-cody-wilson-accused-paying-sex-with-underage-girl-authorities-say/?utm_term=.492c764a26d9
Cody Wilson, a 3-D gunmaker who has become embroiled in a national debate about "downloadable" firearms, has been accused of sexually assaulting a teenage girl, according to court documents.
Authorities said Wilson, 30, paid the teenager $500 for sex in a hotel last month in Austin after the two met on a dating website, according to an arrest warrant affidavit that was filed Wednesday in district court in Travis County, Tex. Wilson faces a charge of sexual assault, a second-degree felony, according to the court documents.
A spokeswoman with the Austin Police Department said Wilson has not been arrested. It is unclear why authorities are charging him with sexual assault and whether he has an attorney.
I submit this story because it has to do with certain rights. Not who is right.
(Score: 2) by Thexalon on Friday September 21 2018, @03:48PM (3 children)
Ah yes, "hoplophobia". Where does that appear in the DSM? Oh, right, it doesn't, mostly because fear of things that could easily kill you isn't irrational.
1. Let's say you had someone pointing a loaded gun at you, decent stance, finger on the trigger. Are you at all concerned that they'll shoot you? I certainly would be: Even if they didn't want to shoot me, accidents happen, and of course if they did decide they wanted to shoot me I'm now quite possibly dead and at the very least crippled for a while and possibly for the rest of my life.
2. Now, if I haven't verified myself that a gun isn't loaded, I'm going to assume it is, as every gun safety instructor in the country will teach me to do. Ergo, it is rational for me to treat any random gun pointed in my direction as a lethal threat.
3. If I encounter somebody who can very quickly get to a gun and point it at me, that person is under 1 second from being a lethal threat to me. So yeah, I'm going to be paying attention to that person, and it's rational for me to do so.
I also consider it relevant that the organization in the US that you'd think would be pretty comfortable with weapons, namely the military, goes to great lengths to keep their guns under strict controls. It's almost like they think they're dangerous or something.
"Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin
(Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Friday September 21 2018, @10:33PM (2 children)
1. is assault with a deadly weapon. You are entirely within your rights to shoot to kill, before he pulls the trigger.
2. no weapon is ever unloaded. If Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Zeus, and Buddha call you into a room, hand you a weapon, and assure you that it is not loaded - you know they are liars, and that you've got to check it for yourself.
3. don't annoy anyone who might be armed. Which is "anybody".
4. Yessss - the officers want to ensure that all weapons within range of their facilities are under their control. That's kinda what the word "military" is all about. Soldiers and sailors aren't necessarily "comfortable" with weapons. They understand weapons, and they know how to use weapons. That doesn't imply "comfort". As part of my cross rate training, I learned some of the basics of stoking a boiler. NO ONE in the boiler room is "comfortable", but the boiler room crew can give you 30+ knots from a standstill with only a couple minutes' warning.
“I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
(Score: 2) by Thexalon on Friday September 21 2018, @11:28PM (1 child)
Which means, incidentally, that I rationally feared for my life, which was precisely the point I was making. Calling it a "phobia" is making it into an *irrational* fear for my life, which you just admitted isn't the case.
And in that situation, I may be within my legal rights to shoot to kill, but that doesn't mean I'll be able to. The basic story of gun combat at relatively short range is that the person with their gun in a position to fire first wins. For example, if I'm facing an armed attacker with their weapon drawn and pointed at me, my best bet is to do whatever they say or beat feet, even if I have a gun at hand. The reason is simple: Human reaction time is 0.2 seconds or so for the bad guy to see my move and/or my weapon, add maybe 0.1 seconds for the bad guy to squeeze the trigger, and I may be a quick draw but to beat that I'd have to be faster than all but the fastest professional shooters - from what I can gather more typical times are about 1.0-1.5 seconds, at which point I'm already dead.
"Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin
(Score: 1, Troll) by Runaway1956 on Saturday September 22 2018, @01:00AM
The hoplophobia which infects so much of the world today is irrational. The media works hard to drum up the fear of weapons, to induce people to voluntarily give up their weapons. They work just as hard to instill trust in the police, to lull you into a sense of security, thereby aiding you in voluntarily giving up your weapons. But - eventually, when almost no one has weapons, we'll be reminded to how that worked out in China, the USSR, and Cambodia, not to mention a dozen other third world countries.
Which is worse - a few dozen dead, now and then, or a few hundred on rare occassions, or, several million, because no one can defend himself?
When the dead are counted in tens of millions, people will be wishing that they still had the option of purchasing their own weapons. But, history does repeat itself - again and again.
Live free, or die.
“I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz