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posted by martyb on Tuesday November 13 2018, @12:50PM   Printer-friendly
from the Room-101-dept dept.

As the days go by our hard won freedoms and liberty are slowly being eroded. In Europe a crushing blow has been made to freedom of speech with a European Court of Human Rights upholding a conviction for saying that the person known as Muhammad ten centuries ago was technically a paedophile based on information in historical texts. The statement was made in reference to Muhammad's marriage to a six year old child name called Aisha. The court found that “Presenting objects of religious worship in a provocative way capable of hurting the feelings of the followers of that religion could be conceived as a malicious violation of the spirit of tolerance, which was one of the bases of a democratic society.”. In giving its ruling that "Muhammad was not a worthy subject of worship" the court has additionally demonstrated a complete misunderstanding as to the religion involved which worships "Allah", a word meaning 'God', not 'Muhammad' who claimed to be a prophet of this god. Freedom of speech is dying.

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  • (Score: 2) by PinkyGigglebrain on Tuesday November 13 2018, @10:15PM (2 children)

    by PinkyGigglebrain (4458) on Tuesday November 13 2018, @10:15PM (#761469)

    They might want to borrow the Second as well.

    I've heard it said "The Second defends the First"

    "Beware those who would deny you Knowledge, For in their hearts they dream themselves your Master."
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  • (Score: 1) by Sulla on Wednesday November 14 2018, @02:30AM (1 child)

    by Sulla (5173) on Wednesday November 14 2018, @02:30AM (#761558) Journal

    I have been thinking about this recently and I think there is danger in thinking this way. I often hear from those on the right (myself included) that the second amendment protects the remaining amendments from further encroachment. I think this is a fundamental flaw in the thinking of the right, not because it is wrong but because it is a good excuse not to protect erosion of the other amendments.

    Yeah well if the government actually tried something or went too far we could rise up and protect those rights, or at least die free

    I think this ends with the right falling into the trap of a frog being slowly boiled. Rights will continued to be eroded because the people always have the nuclear option, but by the time anybody notices it is time to act too much will already have been taken.

    I think this also explains some of the difference in how the left and the right think. On the right people will think that Trump isn't a big deal because if he ever oversteps that line we are all armed and can fight back, where the left who doesn't own a lot of firearms is afraid of any authoritarian threat (except for their own) because they have no way to defend themselves. I know I was never concerned about Pence's opinions on gays because if he ever tried to round em up for reeducation I would be willing to join the cause to fight back against the oppression.

    The second amendment is tough because nobody really knows what it is when government goes too far. Jefferson thought there should be some sort of rebellion every generation to keep the tree of liberty watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots, it also would establish a clear line between what is acceptable and what is not acceptable as far as government intervention in our lives goes. Hell I imagine even for people who think it has gone too far very few people want to go down in history as another Gavrilo Princip.

    Ceterum censeo Sinae esse delendam
    • (Score: 1) by khallow on Friday November 16 2018, @05:10AM

      by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Friday November 16 2018, @05:10AM (#762543) Journal

      I think this is a fundamental flaw in the thinking of the right, not because it is wrong but because it is a good excuse not to protect erosion of the other amendments.

      Why is it a good excuse? You give the following reason why it is not a good excuse.

      I think this ends with the right falling into the trap of a frog being slowly boiled. Rights will continued to be eroded because the people always have the nuclear option, but by the time anybody notices it is time to act too much will already have been taken.