The FSF and Linux Foundation are not the only organizations that could assume the moral leadership of FOSS. practices the same ideals that existed in FOSS twenty years ago. Similarly, after years of inactivity, the Open Source Initiative (OSI) has been struggling recently to again be relevant. However, both have a long way to ago before they can speak for the majority of FOSS, assuming they would care to.
Maybe the loss of a single direction is a sign of the success of FOSS. Maybe shared ideals can only exist at a certain point in a movement's development, and to wish otherwise is only meaningless nostalgia. Yet, despite the success of FOSS, today it has only partly transformed technology and business, and much remains to do. Unless we decide to content ourselves with what has already been done, I think that a sense of meaning — of making a difference — is more useful than seeing FOSS as nothing more than a shorter time to market.
(Score: 5, Interesting) by Pav on Sunday March 31 2019, @08:39AM (1 child)
The Free Software Movement had real power. I remember commercial software developers begging for us to stop as our movement gathered steam. Our communities were where issues were hashed out and things got done. Unfortunately we lacked leadership (either lacking diplomacy like Stallman, apathetic about non-technical matters like Linus, or enthusiastic to show the Silicon Valley bosses to control and sell our communities like Eric Raymond). Now bosses control us again... the dog collars are on... if not on all of us individually, most certainly our community and industry.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by bzipitidoo on Tuesday April 02 2019, @02:02AM
The tone of this question is fearful and despairing, and unwarranted. Fear is always good clickbait. FLOSS software will never be in decline. It takes only one release, one reverse engineering effort, to rip the de facto proprietary status off any data. There are thousands of people in the world who are talented enough to create clones. Consider all the old games that have gone open source, because copyright has nothing left to offer them but obscurity, obsolescence, and destruction.
Copying is a natural right. We continue to waste a great deal of effort trying to paywall information, and otherwise maintain and enforce the artificial scarcity copyrights and patents need to function, instead of throwing our resources and thinking into building and improving viable replacements. Copyleft is brilliant, but at heart it is not nearly revolutionary enough, depending as it does on copyright.
Copyright is so enduring because it pushes people's emotional buttons, not because it's good. It triggers our fear of loss (you're going to give away software that could be worth millions??) and our sympathies for those poor starving artists. It's a propagandistic con job, much like Make America Great Again. Like all such lies, its credibility is a passing thing. It can take centuries, and it has. The Gutenberg press could not break copyright, but looks like the Age of Information will.