Trump reversed course on Huawei. What happens now?
Six weeks after Huawei was blacklisted by the US government, President Donald Trump had what the Chinese telecom firm described as a "U-turn." Trump said Saturday that "US companies can sell their equipment to Huawei," allowing the transactions won't present a "great, national emergency problem."
Trump's comments at the G20 in Japan came after a widely anticipated meeting with Chinese President Xi Jingping. The two sides met to discuss the impasse in the trade dispute, and Huawei, one of the largest smartphone manufacturers in the world, has become a flash point in the battle.
In May, the US Commerce Department banned sales of American-made goods to Huawei without first obtaining a license. US officials have accused the company of working to undermine US national security and foreign policy interests. Trump said Huawei was still part of the ongoing trade discussions between Washington and Beijing, but for now, he would move to resume allowing US companies to sell parts to the Chinese firm.
Also at Android Authority and Business Insider:
President Trump has said US firms can continue selling to Huawei, apparently contradicting a Commerce Department trade blacklist on the Chinese tech firm.
See also: A China-U.S. Trade Truce Could Enshrine a Global Economic Shift
Previously: New Law Bans U.S. Government from Buying Equipment from Chinese Telecom Giants ZTE and Huawei
Huawei Working on its Own OS to Prepare for "Worst-Case Scenario" of Being Deprived of Android
Google Pulls Huawei's Android License
The Huawei Disaster Reveals Google's Iron Grip On Android
Huawei Calls on U.S. to Adjust its Approach to Tackle Cybersecurity Effectively
Google Doesn't Want Huawei Ban Because It Would Result in an Android Competitor
Huawei Soldiers on, Announces Nova 5 and Kirin 810
Related: U.S. Reaches Deal to Keep China's ZTE in Business: Congressional Aide
US Hits China's ZTE with $1 Billion Penalty
(Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 30 2019, @08:56PM (6 children)
Or more accurately: The orange pedophile has talked out of his ass again.
He invoked national security to justify the Huawei ban, but now, somehow, they are no longer a security risk ?
Of course, trumptard apologists will soon be filling this thread with more of their desperate attemps at polishing that turd. Oh, and also downmodding this post to hell, those great defenders of freedom of speech...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 30 2019, @10:15PM
next time they should use a few black helicopters, invade chinese airspace, abduct the wowway boss and then seaburial him in the chinese see .. but not before checking the neighborhood for smallpox infections!
(Score: 0, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 30 2019, @11:00PM (2 children)
On Twitter
On Twitter
It was on Twitter
They are all on Twitter, the One True Communications Media of the great United Sates of America.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 01 2019, @07:03AM
"They are all on Twitter, the One True Communications Media of the great United Sates of America."
Indeed. Government by twit. MAGA all the way, baby!!!
(Score: 2) by ElizabethGreene on Monday July 01 2019, @07:05PM
... that allows him to define the soundbites and not people that would very much like to see him out of office.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 01 2019, @12:29PM
Probably Xi Jingping reassured Trump that China has no intention to spy using Huawei phones. :-)
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 01 2019, @03:41PM
No, I downmodded you for using the words, "orange pedophile," and, "trumptard," which are stupid characterizations that undermines the rest of your well-made point and makes the rest harder to agree with instead of easier. And you have the right to say those words, just as I have the right to downmod you into oblivion and hopes that someone else posts the same content without the insults.
(Score: 1) by fustakrakich on Sunday June 30 2019, @08:58PM (11 children)
This has to be the most embarrassingly craven president ever.
"I can state, from my own knowledge and experience that Italian Americans are among the most loyal, most law abiding, patriotic, hard working American citizens in this land []". Oh wait, that was Senator Geary... (the link is the prez talking)
La politica e i criminali sono la stessa cosa..
(Score: 3, Insightful) by JoeMerchant on Monday July 01 2019, @03:10AM (10 children)
Waffles for breakfast, waffles for lunch, waffles for dinner coated in cheeto dust.
But, when you control the press, you can play up the side of the waffle that makes you look good to the people who like it, and hide the bad side from them - because the majority of people don't really pay attention or have memories good enough to pick up on these changes in policy.
2020 has the potential to be soooo depressingly disappointing.
🌻🌻 []
(Score: 1) by fustakrakich on Monday July 01 2019, @04:03AM (9 children)
This isn't about the press. It's more of a hostage situation and he has to read a "manifesto" on the air. It's totally bizarre the way he talks about these people in ways that nobody normally would.
La politica e i criminali sono la stessa cosa..
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Monday July 01 2019, @02:21PM (8 children)
Remember: he had a totally bizarre life starting from birth, the way he talks to/about all people is calculated and influenced in ways that nobody normal ever would be. He didn't come up as a lizard-person-politician learning skills of how to relate to the common voter, he didn't come up as a manager or influencer of ordinary people, he didn't succeed is businesses that appeal to the majority of people, he's basically just a trust-fund-baby-freak who's lived his whole life with a highly distorted perspective as compared to, say, people who spent at least a few years in mainstream schools and jobs.
This was all on-the-table in November of 2016, and somehow it didn't bother 49% of the popular vote enough to stop them from filling in the bubble by his name.
In the words of the late-great George Carlin: think of somebody you know with a 100 I.Q. - now, realize that fully half of the world is dumber than that!
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(Score: 1) by khallow on Monday July 01 2019, @03:09PM (1 child)
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Monday July 01 2019, @03:43PM
While I don't disagree, at least HC was/is run-of-the-mill grade D policrat dog food.
What we got came out the other end of the dog, in terms of leadership quality.
As pointless as it was, I wrote-in Bernie on my ballot, because I could not in good conscious vote for either.
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(Score: 1) by fustakrakich on Monday July 01 2019, @04:49PM (5 children)
Well, yes, his extremely weak character is the other explanation for this behavior. Up until his election he has never encountered people of real strength. He reacts like a puppy dog running to keep up.
Oh well, this is the low class of people that win these days. Pretty bad reflection on the majority of people who vote.
La politica e i criminali sono la stessa cosa..
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Monday July 01 2019, @04:59PM (4 children)
Populist leaders appeal to the masses by projecting a convincing "I am one of you" image.
Sadly, this time it wasn't just a reassuring image, he actually is as dumb as most of the voters.
🌻🌻 []
(Score: 1) by fustakrakich on Monday July 01 2019, @05:33PM (3 children)
So, what is to be done about majority rule? Will it correct itself? Or does it always end this way?
La politica e i criminali sono la stessa cosa..
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Monday July 01 2019, @06:41PM (2 children)
Nothing, because we don't have majority rule. We have the Electoral College which approximates the majority of the voting population winning the race, but with less than 50% of the popular votes cast carrying the election several times recently, less than 30% of eligible voters voting... it doesn't feel like majority rule to me.
We can hope so, future is uncertain, ask again later.
It is tempting to quote BSG "all of this has happened before, and will happen again..." but, I don't believe in pre-destined outcomes. We can always screw things up worse, and maybe there's a slim chance we can improve a little, too.
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(Score: 1) by fustakrakich on Monday July 01 2019, @08:07PM (1 child)
it doesn't feel like majority rule to me.
The options are wide open. The only problem is the voters. People have to speak up if they think the system is "rigged". If they don't, oh well... This is the result. There's no one else to run to. Either people take their own initiative, or they don't.
La politica e i criminali sono la stessa cosa..
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Monday July 01 2019, @08:21PM
The problem, as I see it, is that both "sides" are jockeying for maximal power, and they get that by minimizing their majority - the more people you piss off the more power you have (or are exercising), so each side aims to piss off about 49%, and we don't have anything resembling real choice at the ballot box, just two barely differentiated and 49% distasteful choices. That's where it's rigged: no worthwhile candidates make it to the upper levels.
I still like the Arthur C. Clarke approach to government: the draft. I'd make a variation of it where all adults who have taken the basic educational requirements for office, and placed in the upper 1/3 of their classes in ALL important categories, are thrown in a pool and selected at random to serve for terms roughly equivalent to the average terms served by our current representatives. Congressional terms are only 2 years, but most serve multiples, so make the period of service more like 5 years, with a new batch of inductees/retirees every 6 months so that at least 90% of the government has some experience at what they are doing at all times. The key element put forward by Clarke was: anybody actively seeking public office should be immediately/automatically barred from serving.
Whether election or draft, I do believe we need more transparency, and I would be fully in favor of doubling the current size of our government for the singular purpose of installing neutral auditors who do nothing but observe, report, and bring to light any and all malfeasance or the appearance thereof...
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(Score: 4, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 30 2019, @10:03PM (7 children)
Trolling Trump is so easy as all he does is fail.
Failed on Healthcare -- Who knew healthcare would be hard?
Failed on Immigration -- Children in prisons...uhh.
Failed on the Deficit -- Why don't we talk about this one anymore??? I remember billboards with the ever ticking number when Obama was president.
Failed on China policy -- No...nothing has changed.
Failed on NAFTA -- his is the same dam thing!
Failed on bringing back Jobs -- Where are those "Made in the USA TVs?"
Failed on the Wall -- which most people don't want and Mexico is definitely not paying for
Failed on being a basic human being -- No empathy for anybody, and thinks women are sex objects who should be rated on a scale of 1 to 10
Both ZTE and Huawei are doing bad things and deserve what we "were" going to do. Now they are being rewarded.
(Score: 2) by AthanasiusKircher on Sunday June 30 2019, @11:50PM (2 children)
And yet he still has >40% approval rating in polls, so I guess a rather substantial portion of the electorate simply doesn't care.
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Monday July 01 2019, @03:13AM
are incompetent and ineffective in their lives, too, so he's very relatable for them.
🌻🌻 []
(Score: 2) by All Your Lawn Are Belong To Us on Monday July 01 2019, @03:52PM
Which is still on track to be the lowest approval rating of any first-term President in the history of tracking, including Richard Nixon (although Nixon did do worse in the second term.... when Watergate came to light). That includes one-termers Ford and H.W. Bush. Which would seem to indicate that a substantial portion of those who respond to the polls simply never cares about the problems of the other half.
This sig for rent.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 01 2019, @04:45AM (1 child)
TPP: Trump is inserting provisions from the TPP into the NAFTA renegotiation.
Yemen: Trump vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have ended the US's support of Saudi Arabia's genocide in Yemen.
War: Trump occasionally spewed anti-war rhetoric on the campaign trail, but the cuck seems to have no intention of actually getting us out of any of the wars or "interventions."
NSA: Trump hasn't ended the NSA's unconstitutional mass surveillance programs or even really tried, despite whining about how he might have been spied on. I guess it only matters to the extent that it affects him. Typical.
TSA: The TSA is a huge invasion of people's privacy, a violation of the Constitution, and a general waste of money. Yet, despite claiming to want to get rid of "regulations" and waste, Trump certainly doesn't seem to intend to end the TSA.
So, Trump is just a typical authoritarian politician, plus mean tweets. He's the establishment's bitch boy.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 01 2019, @05:03PM
he's just trying to MAAGA!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 01 2019, @06:57AM
"Failed on the Deficit -- Why don't we talk about this one anymore??? I remember billboards with the ever ticking number when Obama was president."
Oh, that one is as simple as the current occupant of the WH. "We" don'the talk about it anymore because the Republicans now have effective control of the federal budget. But I'm sure you knew that already. As for ZTE and Huawei, I'm a bit less fussed about them. They are mostly snooping for intellectual property. On the other hand, there are American companies that are, even now, giving various TLAs backdoors to snoop on ALL our communications. I think you should be.much more concerned about that, IMHO.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 01 2019, @12:34PM
Well, I wouldn't blame him for not being able to resurrect the Apple founder.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday June 30 2019, @11:19PM (2 children)
If we're renormalizing relations with Huawei, are we permitting Canada to release the hostage they are holding for us?
(Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 01 2019, @12:39AM
No, Kushner's plan is for China to nuke Canada, then his warehouses full of maple syrup will skyrocket in value.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 01 2019, @05:01AM
No. Huawei must
gifttransfer all their 5G knowledge and IP rights to Intel first.(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 01 2019, @01:09PM (1 child)
If I wear my 'america loves to snoop' glasses, I'd suspect this is about Android and the fear of a real alternative coming from Huawei. I think it's already too late. They'll build their own. With blackjack and hookers.
(Score: 2) by All Your Lawn Are Belong To Us on Monday July 01 2019, @03:54PM
Wow, then forget about the phone OS!
This sig for rent.