One of the biggest Twitter accounts dedicated to circulating information and advocacy for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, @Unity4J, has been completely removed from the site. The operators of the account report that they have been given no reason for its removal by Twitter staff, and have received no response to their appeals.
Any Assange supporter active on Twitter will be familiar with the Unity4J account, which originated to help boost the wildly successful Unity4J online vigils in which well-known Assange defenders would appear to speak out against his persecution. As of this writing, the account has been gone for a day and a half.
"About 8:45am CST on Thursday July 11, one of our Unity4J Twitter team members went to retweet on the account and noticed that the account was no longer accessible," reports pro-Assange activist Christy Dopf, one of the operators of the account. "When each of us also attempted to access the account we all received the same message 'Account Suspended'. Twitter did not send us a reason or violation for the suspension. So an appeal was submitted. We did receive correspondence that Twitter got our request and the case is currently open. Unfortunately we do not have a timeline on how long this could take."
[Ed. note: The linked story variously uses "suspended", "removed", and "deleted"; seemingly interchangeably. When attempting to load " the response was:
Account suspended
This account has been suspended. Learn more about why Twitter suspends accounts, or return to your timeline.
so it appears that there may be hope for the account to be unsuspended; time will tell. --martyb]
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 15 2019, @11:59AM
Being an alt-right incel, I want to point out Caitlyn Johnstone's hard on for Germaine Greer and desire to see 1950s feminine mystique--the idea that woman is best at being a housewife instead of a techie after all, because math is hard and because regular menstruation and because T:TSCC will never be canon because waitresses are evil--imposed on women again. (Will need to dig to find the piece ConsortiumNews published--was the last place I expected to see Greer's ugly incel mug.)
Is Caitlyn Johnstone a TERF? What's her stance on abortion, given that desire to see the feminine mystique (and possibly southern belles) rise again tends towards anti-abortion? Does it matter if she's defending Assange? What is her position on freeing Chelsea Manning, and does it resemble the Runaway's?
#FreeAristarchus #FreeAssange #FreeChelsea #TERFs #incels #abortion #hashtags #vi:sw=4,ts=4,noet