Arthur T Knackerbracket has found the following story:
With Microsoft embracing Linux ever more tightly, might it do the heretofore unthinkable and dump the NT kernel in favor of the Linux kernel? No, I’m not ready for the funny farm. As it prepares Windows 11, Microsoft has been laying the groundwork for such a radical release.
I’ve long toyed with the idea that Microsoft could release a desktop Linux. Now I’ve started taking that idea more seriously — with a twist. Microsoft could replace Windows’ innards, the NT kernel, with a Linux kernel.
It would still look like Windows. For most users, it would still work like Windows. But the engine running it all would be Linux.
Why would Microsoft do this? Well, have you been paying attention to Windows lately? It has been one foul-up after another. Just in the last few months there was the registry backup fail and numerous and regular machine-hobbling Windows updates. In fact, updates have grown so sloppy you have to seriously wonder whether it’s safer to stay open to attacks or “upgrade” your system with a dodgy patch.
Remember when letting your Windows system get automatic patches every month was nothing to worry about? I do. Good times.
Why is this happening? The root cause of all these problems is that, for Microsoft, Windows desktop software is now a back-burner product. It wants your company to move you to Windows Virtual Desktop and replace your existing PC-based software, like Office 2019, with software-as-a-service (SaaS) programs like Office 365. It’s obvious, right? Nobody in Redmond cares anymore, so quality assurance for Windows the desktop is being flushed down the toilet.
Many of the problems afflicting Windows do not reside in the operating system’s upper levels. Instead, their roots are deep down in the NT kernel. What, then, if we could replace that rotten kernel with a fresh, healthy kernel? Maybe one that is being kept up to date by a worldwide group of passionate developers. Yes, my bias is showing, but that’s Linux, and it’s a solution that makes a lot of sense.
(Score: 5, Informative) by mobydisk on Wednesday September 18 2019, @05:26PM (2 children)
Windows has a driver model that is very different from the Linux kernel module approach. The file system has a different way of handling security permissions. The authentication is different. These are things that are very low level and I don't see how you would port them to Linux without kernel modifications. So while a partial port is possible, like Wine does, some things just won't fit.
One could argue that anything that doesn't port isn't really worth having because there is probably an equivalent infrastructure already in Linux.
And this ignores the fact that Windows is closed source and the risk of GPL leakage is too high for them to risk.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 18 2019, @05:51PM
Driver model is irrelevant for non-modular platforms, such as tablets, notebooks and phones. USB stack, BlueTooth stack and WiFi stack is everything you need for a digital slavery.
(Score: 2) by JoeMerchant on Thursday September 19 2019, @01:02AM
One could argue that ACLs and case/space insensitive filenaming, registry vs .ini files, etc. are irrelevant frivolous BS and that what matters are the applications and how they interact with the users.
Just wait, next they'll be re-implementing Office in Qt.
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