AnonTechie writes "In business, intelligence is always a critical element in any employee, because what we do is difficult and complex and the competitors are filled with extremely smart people. However, intelligence isn't the only important quality. Being effective in a company also means working hard, being reliable, and being an excellent member of the team. Companies where people with diverse backgrounds and work styles can succeed have significant advantages in recruiting and retaining top talent over those that don't."
(Score: 4, Interesting) by Daniel Dvorkin on Friday February 28 2014, @04:51PM
Which is generally true who think they're brilliant jerks: most of them are just jerks, and thinking they're brilliant is part of their jerkiness.
I've worked with a whole lot of very smart people over the years, who had the usual range of personality types, from jerks to saints and everything in between--and a select few I'd say were truly brilliant, who were without exception also really likeable. This is too small a sample size from which to draw conclusions, but there it is.
Pipedot []:Soylent []::BSD:Linux
(Score: 1) by similar_name on Friday February 28 2014, @06:09PM
On the other hand, people are people and defining brilliance is difficult. Jerks also may not lack instinct, but have instincts that are not compatible with those around them.