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posted by Fnord666 on Monday January 20 2020, @07:20AM   Printer-friendly
from the irony dept.

The US government should spend at least $1.25 billion "to invest in Western-based alternatives to Chinese equipment providers Huawei and ZTE," a bipartisan group of six US senators said yesterday.
"Every month that the US does nothing, Huawei stands poised to become the cheapest, fastest, most ubiquitous global provider of 5G, while US and Western companies and workers lose out on market share and jobs," Warner said.
The senators said these funds will help the US win "the race for 5G." The Federal Communications Commission's Republican majority has repeatedly cited the "race to 5G" as justification for eliminating federal rules and preempting municipal regulations that cover deployment of wireless equipment in US cities and towns.
The FCC in November voted unanimously to ban Huawei and ZTE equipment in projects paid for by the FCC's Universal Service Fund (USF), saying the equipment could have backdoors installed at the behest of the Chinese government. This ban affects only future projects and the use of federal funding to maintain existing equipment, but the FCC may also eventually require removal of Huawei and ZTE gear from networks that have already been built.
If the bill passes, recipients of FCC grants for replacing Chinese equipment with new 5G technology would have to submit plans outlining how they will switch to standards-based equipment.

Huawei Denies Receiving Billions in Financial Aid From Chinese Government

Original Submission

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  • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 20 2020, @07:57AM (1 child)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 20 2020, @07:57AM (#945716)

    American networks are owned by companies that in turn are owned by kikes. The greed of the kikes causes the companies to act like psychopaths and cut costs at the expense of quality. American made hardware and software is far superior to anything manufactured or developed by chinks. Using Huawei technology on American networks was a cost-cutting play, plain and simple. It should never have been tolerated. Unfortunately, American businesses are run by kikes and follow the ideology of Milton Friedman, which is that the sole societal obligation of corporations is to maximize profits. If you want quality technology without backdoors, you can't outsource it to darkies, and especially not to chinks.

    I seriously don't understand why so many people are upset with the Trump administration for opposing Huawei as a security risk. There are so many cases of chinks leaving backdoors in their technology for surveillance and espionage, both in their own country and what they export abroad. Plus, the chinks are currency manipulators and will do anything to gain an edge in the global economy. While I don't care for tariffs on French wine or starting trade wars with Canada, Trump's economic policies toward chinks are spot on.

    Unfortunately, after numerous efforts to negotiate a trade solution have been unsuccessful, tariffs and heavy-handed regulations like these are necessary. If additional government funding is necessary to get Huawei technology out of American networks, it's worth it for our national security. Cyber warfare and espionage are serious threats, so government funding to mitigate those risks is common sense spending.

    No amount of negotiation will remove these threats from American networks, so this is the only solution. Niggers, kikes, towelheads, wetbacks, chinks, pakis, japs, curry niggers, gooks, dune coons, and all other darkies absolutely hate America. They hate our civilized society that we have built and the wealth that it has brought us. Their jealousy is why they hate us and want to destroy our country. It is because darkies hate us, that I strongly hate them. My hate is strong and I'm damned proud of it. In fact, my hate is getting stronger as I talk to you people. However, I'm not racist, and there's nothing racist about my post. Undoubtedly, the excessively woke leftists on this website will censor my post to -1 and label me a racist, but it's because they are unable to debate me on the facts.

    Our national security is at stake here. We need to do everything in our power to protect our networks from espionage and cyber warfare. Just a couple of weeks ago, the camel jockeys in Iran were threatening cyber warfare because the American military killed the terrorist who was second in command of their country. Even after their foreign minister claimed the attacks were over, military commanders stated otherwise. If government funding can remove backdoored chink technology from American networks, this is money well spend. In fact, it's extremely prudent given the looming threat of cyber attacks from butthurt sand niggers. I'm all for eliminating foreign aid to the kikes in Israel and using the money to fund getting Huawei out of American networks. That is money well spent!

    Starting Score:    0  points
    Moderation   -1  
       Troll=1, Total=1
    Extra 'Troll' Modifier   0  

    Total Score:   -1  
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 21 2020, @01:02AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 21 2020, @01:02AM (#946100)

    You sound just as stupid as that other halfwit on this site.