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posted by Fnord666 on Monday January 20 2020, @07:20AM   Printer-friendly
from the irony dept.

The US government should spend at least $1.25 billion "to invest in Western-based alternatives to Chinese equipment providers Huawei and ZTE," a bipartisan group of six US senators said yesterday.
"Every month that the US does nothing, Huawei stands poised to become the cheapest, fastest, most ubiquitous global provider of 5G, while US and Western companies and workers lose out on market share and jobs," Warner said.
The senators said these funds will help the US win "the race for 5G." The Federal Communications Commission's Republican majority has repeatedly cited the "race to 5G" as justification for eliminating federal rules and preempting municipal regulations that cover deployment of wireless equipment in US cities and towns.
The FCC in November voted unanimously to ban Huawei and ZTE equipment in projects paid for by the FCC's Universal Service Fund (USF), saying the equipment could have backdoors installed at the behest of the Chinese government. This ban affects only future projects and the use of federal funding to maintain existing equipment, but the FCC may also eventually require removal of Huawei and ZTE gear from networks that have already been built.
If the bill passes, recipients of FCC grants for replacing Chinese equipment with new 5G technology would have to submit plans outlining how they will switch to standards-based equipment.

Huawei Denies Receiving Billions in Financial Aid From Chinese Government

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 20 2020, @02:30PM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 20 2020, @02:30PM (#945827)

    Wait, I didn't even read between the lines and saw this as nothing but corruption.

  • (Score: 1) by Ethanol-fueled on Monday January 20 2020, @06:05PM (1 child)

    by Ethanol-fueled (2792) on Monday January 20 2020, @06:05PM (#945901) Homepage

    Well, Huawei doesn't have a monopoly on 5G shit. Nokia and Ericsson just to name a couple also make 5G shit. It would be nice to have our own domestic 5G stuff but that's on our telecom companies to invest in their own R&D rather than be bribed by the government. If America had any faith that the shit would actually be profitable, then we'd have subsidiaries of Lockheed-Martin et. al. building 5G shit.

    But as an industry insider, I know that 5G is going to be gimmick-tier for quite a while, if it even functions better than 4G or at all. Automotive radars are the same way. If I did the stock market thingy I'd hedge against any dedicated 5G companies and a few non-dedicated 5G companies, but I might not actually make any money that way -- look at Tesla.

    Tesla stock keeps going up even though every other day there's a story about Teslas killing people in fiery wrecks. Tesla has probably been chosen by Palantir/CIA to become the dominant EV manufacturer because of the easy of hackability to kill dissidents either by crashing their Teslas or by crashing a Tesla into them, when Tesla inorganically becomes an EV monopoly in a few years or so. Just like Facebook's and other surveillance state apps' inorganically huge valuations of their IPOs. Obviously these would have to be companies based in America.

    We are Calhoun's mouse universe, going to hell in a handbasket.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 20 2020, @08:35PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 20 2020, @08:35PM (#945950)

      But as an industry insider...

      Wow, is there any place you haven't worked? Any industry you aren't "an industry insider"?