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posted by martyb on Saturday January 25 2020, @04:32AM   Printer-friendly
from the happy-new-year? dept.

Chinese Authorities Begin Quarantine Of Wuhan City As Coronavirus Cases Multiply:

Wuhan's public health authorities say they are in a "state of war" as they quarantine the Chinese city in an attempt to halt the spread of a never-before-seen strain of coronavirus. "Strictly implement emergency response requirements, enter into a state of war and implement wartime measures to resolutely curb the spread of this epidemic," urged a committee of Wuhan's top officials. "Homes must be segregated, neighbors must be watched."

Later Thursday, health officials from the World Health Organization decided not to declare the outbreak an international health emergency. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that after two days of meetings in Geneva with the organization's Emergency Committee, the group was divided. "Make no mistake. This is an emergency in China, but it has not yet become a global health emergency," Tedros said. "It may yet become one." The WHO is not recommending any international restrictions on trade or travel, but does recommend exit screenings at airports.

Beginning at 10 a.m. local time (9 p.m. Wednesday ET), authorities in Wuhan, about 500 miles west of Shanghai, started sealing off public transportation, including its metro system, airport, train station and long-haul bus hubs. Livestreamed videos from the city show soldiers wearing face masks barricading the entrances to the city's train station Thursday morning to prevent passengers from entering and leaving the city.

Wuhan, China, is scrambling to build a hospital in just 6 days to treat coronavirus patients as its health system gets overwhelmed:

The Chinese city of Wuhan is rushing to build a new hospital within six days to treat patients of the coronavirus that has killed at least 26 people across the country and is overwhelming the quarantined city's health system.

The 2019-nCoV virus, which had infected more than 870 people as of Friday morning, originated in Wuhan. China has closed down public-transport links in the city and at least nine others, sealing off a combined 30 million people.

Chinese tourist says she evaded coronavirus checks to fly to France

The Chinese embassy in France has urged its citizens to comply with airport coronavirus checks after a woman from Wuhan said she had evaded screenings in order to fly to France and dine in restaurants there.

The woman told on social media how she took fever medicine to mask flu-like symptoms to bypass temperature checks. Wuhan has temporarily shut down public transport to contain the deadly virus.

Coronavirus has reached Chicago, North Carolina, Minnesota, Washington, etc. 😷

See also: Wuhan's 11 Million People Face Quarantine as Virus Fears Spread
Scientist who simulated the global impact of a coronavirus outbreak says 'the cat's already out of the bag' and China's efforts to contain the disease 'unlikely to be effective'
Inside the Chinese lab poised to study world's most dangerous pathogens

China Reports 3rd Death, Nearly 140 New Cases of Coronavirus
China Confirms Human-To-Human Transmission of New Coronavirus; CDC Confirms First US Case

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 26 2020, @01:36AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday January 26 2020, @01:36AM (#948697)

    I guarantee all these people dying from the virus are depleted of vitamin C. The pharmacokinetic models developed for healthy people do not work for people who are sick, which leads to an egregious underestimate of the intake required by orders of magnitude:

    Using the pharmacokinetic data from the study by
    Levine et al. [23], we constructed a four-parameter log-
    logistic response model to predict the plasma vitamin C
    concentrations for the critically ill patients on the basis
    of their enteral and/or parenteral vitamin C intakes. The
    predicted plasma concentrations, although variable, were
    significantly higher at all time points than the measured
    plasma concentrations (P < 0.0001; Fig. 3). On average,
    the measured plasma vitamin C values were approxi-
    mately one-third of the values predicted from intake.


    Overall, the patients excreted
    approximately 15–30% of their administered vitamin C
    dose over the duration of the study. []
    The body is using up the vitamin C to fight the inflammation.