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posted by Fnord666 on Friday March 13 2020, @11:44AM   Printer-friendly
from the virtual-teaching dept.

With Wuhan Coronavirus spreading in New York City, parents, Parent Teacher Associations, and schools seem to be inevitably headed for extended shutdowns and quarantines. The Department of Education is crossing its fingers, wiping down all surfaces, and hoping to avert the worst without closing schools, but parents are going to need contingency plans.

Do Soylentils have recommendations for online resources that members of NYC's school boards can share with the parent community to help kids keep up with their school work? Khan Academy is an excellent resource for math & science; it doesn't span every subject but something like it that grade school kids can understand would be ideal.

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2020, @06:17AM (1 child)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2020, @06:17AM (#971060)

    I enrolled my kids in Connections Academy awhile ago. []

    It's a fully accredited nationwide K-12 program, entirely online.
    It has instructors and "class time" which is via video conference plus they have a really awesome curriculum that goes very into depth with tons of subjects.
    My kids can learn at their own pace. In my opinion it's way better than the common core "teach the test" junk the local schools have been passing off as an education around here.

    Schools have closed here, my kids don't notice the difference.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2020, @08:56AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2020, @08:56AM (#971108)

    It has instructors and "class time"

    Sure it does. "Instructors" that were fired from Domino's Pizza? Instructors who are failed uber drivers? There is a reason educators have to have professional certification, because the general public has no ability to judge competence, and so they constantly fall for scams like University of Phallus Phoenix and Corinthian, and Betsy DeVos, and On-line For-Profit University [], "Let's profit of each other!"