A lot has already happened this year. SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) which can cause COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) has been making headlines shortly after it was first reported. The first cases were reported to WHO (World Health Organization) on 2019-12-31. The virus spread. It began as an epidemic in China . The world watched apprehensively. Reports surfaced of cases in other countries and the the apprehension grew. For many folk, it turned to fear when it was upgraded to a pandemic: WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 - 11 March 2020: "We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic."
We have seen increasing efforts to stem the spread of the disease. Efforts have run the gamut. Closing of borders. Cancellation of sporting events. Conferences cancelled. Churches and other places of worship also closed. Schools closed. Panic buying of household goods and supplies. Supply chain disruptions affecting manufacturers. Restaurant, bars, and other such establishments closed. Work-from-home policies established and enacted.
The changes have been many, widespread, and continuing.
Reading about all the ways that "other people" have been affected is one thing. It seems different, somehow, when it hits closer to home and affects us directly. With many of our usual social activities curtailed or cancelled, it is easy to begin isolating and lose perspective. SoylentNews arose from a troubled period (the SlashCott) and a community has formed from that challenging period.
How have you been affected? Have you been infected? Had a family member or friend who was? Helped neighbors who are struggling? Hunkering down and isolating? (In a basement is optional.) Are you suddenly working from home and finding it challenging to manage your time? Still working on site, but now have a faster commute due to all the other people staying home? Catching up on watching TV shows? Reading more SoylentNews? How has your life changed?
From a somewhat different perspective, how have others helped you to cope... and how have you been able to help others? One of the potential impacts of social distancing is isolation and depression. I count myself fortunate, indeed, to have served this site for over 6 years and for all the people I have gotten to know, here. For those who may not be aware, SoylentNews has its own IRC (Internet Relay Chat) server. Feel free to drop in to #Soylent and just say "Hi!"
Social distancing is permanent when you're dead. So, practice good hygiene and stay safe.
Previously (oldest first):
China Battles Coronavirus Outbreak: All the Latest Updates
2019-nCoV Coronavirus Story Roundup
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Roundup
Coronavirus Roundup
Coronavirus Roundup (Feb. 17)
Roundup of Stories about the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus and COVID-19 Disease
COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2 - CoronaVirus) Roundup
CoronaVirus (SARS-CoV-2) Roundup 2020-03-12
Working from Home: Lessons Learned Over 20 Years
(Score: 4, Interesting) by nishi.b on Tuesday March 17 2020, @04:00PM
Since about ten days things are gradually getting more serious here (France). From today we are not supposed to go out except for groceries, medical services and walking around without meeting others.
I have been sick with a fever for the last 14 days (usually 1-2 days is common when I get winter illnesses), no idea whether this is the covid-19 as nobody will test me as I do no have respiratory difficulties.
Just before, I moved for work between Paris, Geneva and my own city, going into trains, the subway and into hospitals in the three cities. My kids and wife had a fever for 3 days but are ok now.
I have very at-risk parents in Paris (cancer patient with breathing problems for one, heart problems for the other) so I am pretty worried about them. People started panick-buying a few days ago, there is almost no pasta and rice, very little soap and no masks/hydroalcoholic gels anywhere. I should be wearing a mask when going out but I can't get them. We still have enough to eat and I expect the food situation to come back to normal in a few days when people stop stockpiling.
My job cancelled all meetings 15 days ago, and since a week they require everyone to work from home except when impossible.
I have two young kids (3 and 8), schools are closed now, and as we live in a small apartment it is quite difficult to keep them inside and do home schooling while working in 40 sq meters...
I know from the doctors I work with how serious the situation is in the hospitals. For french-speaking people there are interesting conferences here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKY1i7IpK3Y&feature=emb_logo [youtube.com]
And this guy who gives first results of treating french patients with hydroxychloroquin and discusses the political choice of testing very little instead of testing and treating massively:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4J8kydOvbc&feature=emb_logo [youtube.com]
Stay safe everyone.