Barrabas writes:
"From Hackaday:
Jeff Highsmith's son just started school and needed a desk to do homework on. They had recently visited the Kennedy Space Center, and his son found a new interest in all things space, so Jeff make the desk into this mind-boggling control panel.
The video demonstrating the project is quite impressive check it out."
(Score: 2) by mcgrew on Sunday March 02 2014, @01:53PM
ENIAC was patented six years before I was born, so I was 12 before I saw a real computer at a tech expo and 30 before I owned a computer, but when I was that kid's age I was taking clocks and transistor radios apart to try to figure out how they worked. I learned from taking clocks apart even though I could never get them back together again, and I learned from taking radios apart that you can't figure out how a radio works by examining it, I had to read books to learn that.
The most important thing a parent can do for their kid is instill a love of learning and a love of reading to him or her.
We not only don't have all the answers, we don't even have all of the questions.