Arthur T Knackerbracket has found the following story:
The head of Russia's space agency on Saturday accused Elon Musk's SpaceX of predatory pricing for space launches, which is pushing Russia to cut its own prices. "Instead of honest competition on the market for space launches, they are lobbying for sanctions against us and use price dumping with impunity," Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin wrote on Twitter.
Rogozin, who is often outspoken on Twitter and previously engaged in online banter with Elon Musk, on Friday raised the issue during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin.
He said the Roscosmos space agency "is working to lower prices by more than 30 percent on launch services to increase our share on the international markets." "This is our answer to dumping by American companies financed by the US budget," he said. The market price of a SpaceX launch is $60 million, but NASA pays up to four times that amount, he said.
Musk responded to the criticism Saturday by saying on Twitter: "SpaceX rockets are 80% reusable, theirs are 0%. This is the actual problem."
(Score: 1) by Sulla on Monday April 13 2020, @06:24PM (3 children)
So what the Russians are really pissed about is that we are propping Musk's space ambitions up instead of propping up Russia's.
Ceterum censeo Sinae esse delendam
(Score: 3, Informative) by takyon on Monday April 13 2020, @07:19PM
They are pissed that they have agile competition and that a lucrative money maker is about to dry up.
It's not just SpaceX. They will also have to contend with China and India, at a minimum. []
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
(Score: 3, Disagree) by barbara hudson on Tuesday April 14 2020, @02:29AM (1 child)
Russia is less and less relevant, so not as much need to prop them up economically with seat purchases on Soyuz, and not as much need to keep up a pretence of international cooperation.
SoylentNews is social media. Says so right in the slogan. Soylentnews is people, not tech.
(Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 14 2020, @09:03PM
See subject & a NICE DOSE of PUBLIC HUMILIATION for your own local FREAK barbara hudson folks: I "apologized" to you TRANNY twisto [] ? FUCK NO, not ever: That's NOT me but I DESTROYED YOU PUBLICLY on every level including proving you barb stalk me on THIS SITE [] with more proof QUOTED FROM YOU DIRECTLY barbara (tom) hudson proving are a technical incompetent brain-damaged transsexual fool BULLSHIT ARTIST FUCKUP worthless creep that also failed on tech vs. me.
My post LITERALLY also shows links to stopping hundreds of threats of MANY KINDS via hosts (since 99% of malicious threats online use hostnames - block them as I do in hosts (less overhead vs. ANYTHING else by FAR & pure kernelmode TCP/IP stack efficient no less)?
Can't TOUCH you nor you it. No threat possible.
(...& that's ONLY a 1 year sample & I'd done THOUSANDS more at slashdot years before that and yes 99% use hostnames so hosts work against them harming you).
So much for your usual lies barbara (tom TRANZOID monstrosity aberration you are) and useless online troll chatterbox you has never done better work and I fairly challenged you to show you did.
You have not. You're all talk & ERRONEOUS talk (per the links above proving it you bullshit artist WANNABE do nothing LAZY bitch).
NOW: You RESORTING TO IMPERSONATING ME on your end only PROVES I really got to you barb/tom hudson tranny.
So much so you are reduced to showing us your true scum bag self in fact.
Oh & I thought YOU were going to SUE me? LMAO! You DID threaten that, so where is it?? BUTTHURT not enough grounds to go after me on? Nope. You humiliated yourself there too stupid.
... & for what would you SUE me for, eh?
FACTS OF YOUR MANY multiple TECHNICAL FAILS on hosts, pascal vs. C/C++ I torched you on, that humiliated you & showed you are ALL BULLSHIT & not to be paid attention to bullshitter????
* YOU WILL ALWAYS FAIL vs. me just as you FAILED @ being a MAN & since you couldn't GET ANY PUSSY you (lmao) DECIDED in your DRUG ADDLED BRAIN to SLICE OFF YOUR COCK & build your OWN pussy (only way you'd "get some", ever).... OMG!
P.S.=> Hey FREAK - so now you like to IMPERSONATE me too? I'm going to PUBLICLY EMBARRASS YOUR ASS SO BAD on this site you will have to SLINK AROUND IN SHAME publicly but then, "your kind" (massive MASSIVE total losers in life) are USED to that, aren't you? You don't LIKE IT but I LOVE doing it, exposing you as the TRASH you are fucker... apk