CowboyTeal writes:
"Windows 8 is still being disputed as either the product of a genius or a nerdy sadist but that doesn't mean Windows 9 isn't in the works. That said, how would you guys improve Windows if you could change anything about it? Has windows 8 improved or degraded your overall experience of the Windows platform? If you're not a Windows user, what features would you like to see in Windows for possible assimilation?"
(Score: 1) by TheLink on Sunday March 02 2014, @12:25PM
I've actually proposed this and other stuff to them: ch/msg00012.html []
But they're probably too busy with more important stuff like "wobbly windows" and touch UIs.
I can't find some of the stuff I've proposed any more. Don't know whether it's Google's fault (somehow the search results look very different now) or they are no longer on the sites (which may be since Bing etc don't find them either).
Then I'd get IE to support something like CSP: icy []
By the way years before CSP (in 2001/2002?) I personally proposed special tags to disable active content (enclosed between the tags- you need a matching closing tag with the correct random key- to reenable active content) to the W3C and browser bunch but nobody was interested (even my crude proposal would have stopped the various worms that happened later).
I personally think there's plenty to improve for "desktop computing" and "desktop computing" has still plenty of untapped potential for augmenting humans.