CowboyTeal writes:
"Windows 8 is still being disputed as either the product of a genius or a nerdy sadist but that doesn't mean Windows 9 isn't in the works. That said, how would you guys improve Windows if you could change anything about it? Has windows 8 improved or degraded your overall experience of the Windows platform? If you're not a Windows user, what features would you like to see in Windows for possible assimilation?"
(Score: 2) by bucc5062 on Sunday March 02 2014, @01:41PM
"I'll try to be less harsh than you were in your critique of MS/Windows 8. I may not succeed :)
Here's the way I see it: the number of people in your generation of PC users is dwindling and even now is dwarfed by the new generation. For the new generation, a "desktop" is not a useful UI metaphor in the same way that a floppy disk does not represent "saving" anything."
What's this "your generation" crap. Like old people don't have and use smart phones (aka little PCs). LPCs are great, handy, and lousy to work with in the *work* environment. People may use a LPC during sex, but I really doubt they are using it to perform their day to day business. The working world does not revolve around Android, Apple or whatever touch and play device. Perhaps in 10 years there could be a shift, but for now that desktop is still a mainstay for businesses, Enterprise to small size.
As such, Microsoft's introduction of 8 ()RT) was ill planned and it showed. People who work and use Desktops did not want to change and if they did, found the interface to plain suck. "Your generation" maybe liked it, but only because you don't do actual day to work on it (maybe you do, most don't) and it fit the touch and go or short attention span infecting young minds today.
MS better approach (removing greed which is pure fantasy) would have been to split the UI while keeping the kernel intact. Desktops run 7 and beyond by default, mobile runs RT by default. Just as they did with 95 and NT (though I will accept they were different engines under the hood). MS had the smarts to pull that off, instead, they got greedy and "chose poorly".
The more things change, the more they look the same