CowboyTeal writes:
"Windows 8 is still being disputed as either the product of a genius or a nerdy sadist but that doesn't mean Windows 9 isn't in the works. That said, how would you guys improve Windows if you could change anything about it? Has windows 8 improved or degraded your overall experience of the Windows platform? If you're not a Windows user, what features would you like to see in Windows for possible assimilation?"
(Score: 5, Insightful) by tirefire on Sunday March 02 2014, @05:42PM
Agree, and I think I may have it. Have Windows 9 detect if a touchscreen device is installed. If there is no touchscreen device detected, send the user to the desktop. If Windows 9 detects a touchscreen device is installed, default to Metro, and if it's the first boot for a new install, have an introductory overlay that briefly explains to the user what Metro is, what features it offers touchscreen users, and how it differs from the usual mouse-driven desktop interface. I'd like to see these options at the bottom of the screen:
[ ] Okay, take me to Metro.
[ ] Okay, take me to Metro, and make it the default.
[ ] No thanks, take me to my desktop this time.
[ ] No thanks, take me to my desktop, and don't take me to Metro again.
If Microsoft had done this from the start, I think Windows 8 would have been much better received by just about everyone. It would let "pro users" like us banish Metro permanently with one click of a button, and it would help people like grandma make an informed decision about what is best for them to use.
(Score: 1) by emg on Sunday March 02 2014, @06:18PM
But, uh, lots of laptops now come with touchscreens that I'm never going to use. Why should I be forced to use a stupid touchscreen interface that I don't want, just because the laptop manufacturer forced me to buy a touchscreen I didn't want?
And the idea of my grandmother making an informed decision whether to use Metro is just insane. She'd be on the phone to me asking what she should do, or enable Metro by mistake and then be on the phone asking how the hell she gets Windows back.
(Score: 1) by tirefire on Sunday March 02 2014, @06:42PM
Read my post again. You'd only be forced to use it ONCE, to press the button on the hypothetical Metro screen that says (in so many words), "Get this Metro shit outta my face and don't ever let me see it again". Then the system goes to the desktop and you can ignore the touch interface and use the laptop's trackpad and/or clitmouse... like God intended.
Is it really that objectionable to be required to use a touch interface once, when you're first setting up a Windows install?