Rust Core Team + Mozilla To Create A Rust Foundation
Rust's core team and Mozilla are announcing plans to create a Rust foundation with the hopes of establishing this legal entity by year's end. The trademarks and related assets of Rust, Cargo, and will belong to this foundation. Work is well underway on establishing this foundation with originally coming to the idea of possibly creating an independent Rust foundation last year, now pushed along by the recent Mozilla layoffs and the global pandemic. This should allow the Rust community more safety rather than being reliant upon a sole organization (Mozilla) and help foster growth and open up new possibilities.
Lay(off)ing the foundation for Rust's future
Previously: Mozilla Lays Off 250, Including Entire Threat Management Team
Related: Linus Torvalds: Don't Hide Rust in Linux Kernel; Death to AVX-512
(Score: 2) by takyon on Wednesday August 19 2020, @04:13PM (5 children) []
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
(Score: 4, Insightful) by barbara hudson on Wednesday August 19 2020, @10:03PM (4 children)
JavaScript? Sure, so great people block it. Not interested in using arust or web assembly either. Think of how much better off we'd be (safer) in a world without JavaScript.
So, another foundation with no real way to make money to keep the lights on and pay program developers to ensure long term stability. Given the falling market share (I'm probably the only person I know who still uses it on mobile and desktop ), next time google won't throw it a bone to keep it alive because Firefox won't be a credible competitor when it comes to antitrust issues.
Gone from 23% to 3.3% market share - it will be under 1% in a few years, as they put more effort into non browser attempts like a paid VPN service, which already has a ton of competition and cheaper offerings to boot. They are counting on brand recognition to sell their VPN at a higher price, but when you're losing market share, your brand is sort of a kiss of death. Casting rust off to a foundation is a tacit admission that the mothership can no longer offer refuge - sink or swim, child, momma is dying.
Oh well … crap like Pocket made this all foreseeable. And really crappy UI changes to slavishly follow chrome in many ways. Stupid hamburger menus.
SoylentNews is social media. Says so right in the slogan. Soylentnews is people, not tech.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 20 2020, @01:53AM (3 children)
People block remote code for security reasons and because it's used to do annoying and scummy things. Javascript gets a bad rep because DOM level 0 was a clusterfuck (Navigator Vs. IE) but the language itself is popular for a reason.
Rust is an ugly language but most objections are to the CoC. Web assembly is a compilation target and arguably better than standardizing a bytecode.
Again, the language has nothing to do with executing remote code. If lua or python had been used for web scripting, we'd have exactly the same problems.
Aside from that some good points - things may have been different for Mozilla had Brendan Eich not been yeeted.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by barbara hudson on Thursday August 20 2020, @02:59AM (2 children)
Plain text and HTML. No css - let the user decide how the pages render, which was the original goal. But W3C fucked that up by trying to answer demands that web pages lay out more like magazines. It's not supposed to be a page description language, just a way to lay out information in a simple structured way, and let the end user pick a user agent that renders it to their liking, and their own customization.
Trying to implement a bit of postscript-like or PDF functionality as a core of the whole HTML/is/css pile of shit got us the problems we have today. Speaking of W3 mistakes, the rationale for emojis was a typically W3 thing - adding crap that isn't needed because text is too easy to communicate with. Bureaucracy adds features to justify their jobs whether they're needed or not. Then browsers have to implement these unnecessary features. So we end up with an insecure bloated hierarchy - browsers, web pages, and an ecosystem of stuff to guard against the problems the bureaucracy created.
How insecure is a browser that doesn't load images, css, or scripts from anywhere, and doesn't load more than just the page requested from the original server? No frames or iframes from other servers, nothing? Not even an automatic redirect or timed refresh? No embedded fonts or glyphs?
Apps in browsers were always a bad idea. Thanks for nuthin' "web standards" - there are too many and browsers have to choose to implement them all or they're "behind the standards." Even HTML 1.0 was crap. Ever bother with the "menu" tag? No, because it doesn't do what you think it should. And calling a link an anchor was retarded. So was the rationale to explain it away.
SoylentNews is social media. Says so right in the slogan. Soylentnews is people, not tech.
(Score: 2) by Common Joe on Thursday August 20 2020, @09:53AM (1 child)
I wish I could just sit back and eat popcorn, but unfortunately, pretty much every IT person (like you and me) is in the middle of all this.
I've said this exact same thing before years ago (and I know you have too). Isn't it amazing how many people call us luddites? I find the idea of writing a full app in a web browser crazy. Why not just write an actual app in the first place? There are languages designed to be multi-operating-system based and have security in mind. I'm not against apps. I'm just against stupidity.
I really wish more websites let us choose how the information is displayed. The user should have much better control of the CSS part. (And the html should be clean and simple.)
(Score: 2) by barbara hudson on Thursday August 20 2020, @12:43PM
I'd settle for a Usenet news feed. Simple concept, and people could pick the news reader that matches their preferences for how the data was displayed. We have operating systems to run applications. Inserting a browser between the OS and the application is just another layer that brings its own problems.
But of course in today's world it's all about monetization of the users data - and that's easier when everything has to pass through a web browser. What other system would allow 100 different ad companies to be pinged by you looking at a piece of data such as a page of information about a dog?
People would be really pissed off if their text messages behaved that way, or their text editor, but they give the keys to their kingdom to every damn web service and "affiliate ". vim doesn't report what I'm writing to everyone, neither does any local music player I use (my laptop is rarely connected - no streaming ever). If I want to listen to Edwin Starr's version of War every day for a year, I should not have to stream 365 copies of it. If I want to watch Spaceballs or the Terminator or Through a Scanner Darkly every year , that's my business. I'm not going stream the same data again and again.
Streaming and other web services add so much overhead over the course of a lifetime. Give the planet a break - just give me the data and let me store it locally, and look at it the way that I want. When I want. No reporting back to the hive.
And please get rid of those ridiculous looking wireless earbuds. You all look like dorks. Not every Apple idea is a good one (hockey puck mouse, anyone? Or using the trash can icon to eject media? Ranks right up there with Microsoft start button to shut down. Or GNOME putting the Cancel button on the left in dialogue boxes.)
SoylentNews is social media. Says so right in the slogan. Soylentnews is people, not tech.