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posted by Fnord666 on Friday August 21 2020, @06:12PM   Printer-friendly
from the oops-our-bad-sorry dept.

Adobe Lightroom iOS update permanently deleted users' photos:

A recent update to the Adobe Lightroom app permanently deleted some iOS users' photos and presets, an Adobe rep confirmed on the Photoshop feedback forums. Adobe has since corrected the issue, which was first spotted by PetaPixel, but not before drawing the ire of many disappointed users.

[...] Needless to say, users who had just lost photos and presets were not happy. "Rikk, we understand the announcement, however this doesn't solve the problem," wrote Ewelina Wojtyczka. "People lost months/years of their work. Apologies will not bring it back."

Adobe hasn't further commented on the bug outside Flohr's post. [...] While Adobe shouldn't be let off the hook for this error, perhaps the importance of multiple backups is the hard lesson we can learn from this.

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 22 2020, @05:20PM (5 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 22 2020, @05:20PM (#1040464)

    GIMP has had CMYK capability with different plugins over the years, and there are several stand-alone open source CMYK converters that also work just fine. So, that's probably why CMYK is not high on the list of features to be added in the GIMP builds ( It's not a patent problem.

    Most GIMP and Photoshop users never employ CMYK capabilities. Personally, I have seen CMYK plugins appear in GIMP from time to time after installing different plug-in packs, but I have never used them. I just checked, and my GIMP 2.10.8 version has CMYK capability.

  • (Score: 1) by fustakrakich on Saturday August 22 2020, @05:39PM (4 children)

    by fustakrakich (6150) on Saturday August 22 2020, @05:39PM (#1040476) Journal

    Just opened a new doc in mine. No "CMYK" under "Image" > "Mode". They put it somewhere else? Everything I read says "rudimentary support"

    La politica e i criminali sono la stessa cosa..
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 22 2020, @10:08PM (3 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 22 2020, @10:08PM (#1040536)

      I would guess that when GIMP builds-in CMYK functionality, that it will appear under "Image > Mode" and/or under "Image > Color Management."
      My version of GIMP shipped with the GEGL plug-ins installed. One of those plug-ins has CMYK separation functionality ("Colors > Components > Extract Components").
      Also, I just installed the G'MIC plug-in for GIMP, and among its zillions of filters there seem to be two that isolate CMYK into layers or into separate images. These G'MIC filters seem to have fine CMYK controls ( []). The standalone version of G'MIC probably just separates CMYK into separate files. CMYK layers can be edited separately in GIMP as grey scale images.
      I have heard about folks using the "Separate" or "Separate+" plug-ins ("Image > Separate"), and some install the stand-alone "Cyan" program ( []) which evidently puts its its own plug-in into GIMP.
      ImageMagic ( [])can also separate/convert images into CMYK.
      As a pro photographer, I always use sRGB and send that file to the client/printer (printers want RGB files anyway), so I never touch CMYK. I don't have a fancy printer, nor do most using GIMP/Photoshop. Regardless, I don't know what the advantage is of working on a file in a CMYK space is over simply working on a file in an RGB space and just doing the separations afterward.

      • (Score: 1) by fustakrakich on Saturday August 22 2020, @10:35PM (2 children)

        by fustakrakich (6150) on Saturday August 22 2020, @10:35PM (#1040540) Journal

        I think the issue that the document has to be converted. I can't create a CMYK doc. Some people who read those fancy glossy magazines can see the difference

        La politica e i criminali sono la stessa cosa..
        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 22 2020, @11:06PM (1 child)

          by Anonymous Coward on Saturday August 22 2020, @11:06PM (#1040548)

          I think the issue that the document has to be converted. I can't create a CMYK doc.

          If you need to convert "documents" to CMYK, you might better off using LibreOffice to output CMYK or use an open source desktop publishing app that can export to CMYK.

          • (Score: 1) by fustakrakich on Saturday August 22 2020, @11:22PM

            by fustakrakich (6150) on Saturday August 22 2020, @11:22PM (#1040552) Journal

            Actually it shouldn't matter. The camera shoots in RGB

            La politica e i criminali sono la stessa cosa..